
Why Is Steroids Important

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Why Is Steroids Important
A lot of athletes nowadays can accomplish many great things in their career. Many are not the same after injuries and some may never be able to reach their full potential again. Steroids would be a great way to enhance one’s physical performance or help speed up the recovery process. Being a top athlete can come easily to some, but for others it is very hard, steroids can help improve their performance. “Some athletes take straight testosterone to boost their performance” Steroids are used for many things, but one of the biggest things they are used for is to boost an athlete’s performance. The extra testosterone going into the body of an athlete builds bigger muscles, endurance, and more strength. Every athlete wants to be bigger, faster and stronger to improve performance and achieve goals, with steroids you can get exactly that. It takes a lot to be a top level competitor and can take a toll on the body, with steroids athlete recovery quickly and can exceed their potential. To be great in the sport world you must be elite at what you do and with the help of steroids being an elite athlete will be easy.
Some athletes suffer from serious injuries and steroids can potentially make the recovery process a lot faster. Being in tip top condition is
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“Anabolic, that when injected reduces pain and inflammation in an injured joint, and allows an athlete to play when they otherwise wouldn't be able” (Petchesky 10). Not all steroids are unsafe and illegal, athletes use cortisone shots to get rid of a nagging injury that been lingering around. To get the top dollar as an athlete you must perform at top level, which is what fans want to see when they come to sporting events. Physical trainers can only do so much to help an athlete recover from an injury with the extra help of steroids, they will be ready to perform for their team and

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