Sulfuric acid may seem like something to find in a lab, perhaps under the label “corrosive,” and in some kind of tube that isn’t affected by it. But, in reality, it’s quite common, and is used often in the industrial business, for many different objects. Because of this, many places can often be judged upon their wealth by how much sulfuric acid they produce on a normal basis. Although this may not seem like the best idea for a way to measure wealth, one of the main reasons it works is because they are able to sell them so easily. Developers all around the world constantly need sulfuric acid and, as such, countries are usually able to it for a good price, no matter where they look worldwide.
Sulfuric acid has many uses, making it a …show more content…
Not only do the batteries help, they are used for almost everything in this world. Batteries are a very common and are use for things such as remote controllers, toys, some headphone, etc. There is even batteries in our phones and computers, that also use some form of sulfuric acid. Not only that, but Sulfuric Acid is one of the most important productional acids and is very good for items that are necessary for human life. But there is a danger to sulfuric acid. Since Sulfuric Acid is highly diluted, it is a very dangerous material. So if exposed directly to skin a lot of things can happen. But mostly, it will penetrate deep with your skin reaching your muscles, causing lots and lots of pain. It is also very acidic, as it is in the name. It’s so strong, it can penetrate flesh, clothing and even metals. However, some oils and ointments can fix this. And another thing. Sulfuric Acid is not digestible. If disgusted directly, it can burn your tissues and take them all the way to your