Marissa Royal
"Teamwork is the process working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal (Business Dictionary, 2015)." Teamwork is very important in the nursing field. If nurses do not work together than the job will not be easy or efficient. When every nurse works together, they can all meet their patient needs, which will improve patient outcomes (Ward, 2013). "Research pointed out that in some workplaces, the inter-dependence of workers performing distinct tasks means that teamwork can function to facilitate job rotation, task flexibility, filling in for absences and reducing boredom (Valsecchi, Wise, Mueller, & Smith, 2012)." All these will help nurses know exactly what needs to be done and when to do it …show more content…
Nurses need to be able to follow directions and orders given to them. An example of this to help further explain is a physician orders necessary intervention on a patient, and the nurse is responsible for carrying it out (Ward, 2013). In this instance, it is important that each team member communicates and works together. Everyone has a job and if everyone does their part and listens to everyone than teamwork will be effectively executed (Ward, 2013).
There are many benefits of teamwork in nursing. One benefit is improved quality of care. "Teams need to be set targets to complete tasks using systematic work processes, and this requires the co-operation of every member of the team (Ingram & D., 1999)." If they do this than each member will have a task to do and can detect a problem that may happen and prevent, which will save a patient's life (Ryan, 2015). Another benefit is stress reduction. According to Vanessa Ryan (2015), when healthcare professionals collaborate and brainstorm about a patient's care, the workload is distributed evenly and stress is