Depression has become an over whelming issue for teenagers in the past few years. In the 70 's, 80 's and 90 's teenage depression was not often heard of and wasn 't really ever talked about. In 2013 20% of teenagers will experience teenage depression. (Teen depression statistics, 2013) If one person in the family has a problem with depression, this could effect back onto the whole family. Researches have found that not only teenage depression has become an issue but also self harm and suicide. What has changed in the 21st century that has made the depression rate so high? Teenage depression has become a new issue found in Canada and many other country’s around the world. It 's now found …show more content…
(Teenage depression statistics, 2013) This is an outcome that has started out from depression. Teenagers with depression go looking for a solution to solve it since only 30 percent of teenagers will seek professional help for their depression. (Borchard, T. 2010) Teenagers will come across self harm. Around one in two hundred teenagers have used self harm as an escape. (NIMH, 2013) If you put that back into a population of 1000 teenagers that means only 5 teenagers will have compared to the 150 teenagers who would have depression. 5 out of 150 students will use self harm and that could only continue on to adulthood, or to something worse such as teenage …show more content…
(2001). Teenage depression shows family ties. Science News, 159(5), 72.
- Borchard, T. (2010). Why Are So Many Teens Depressed?. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 27, 2013, from
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- Cheung, A. (2010, December 9). Myths and realities of teenage depression. Asian Pacific Post. p. 5.
- Depression Rates Rise for Girls During Teen Years. (2012, July 31). US News. Retrieved October 27, 2013, from
- Dokopupil, T. (2013, May 22). The Suicide Epidemic. Newsweek. Retrieved October 27, 2013, from
- Heller, K. (2012). Depression in Teens and Children. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 27, 2013, from