November 2012
• Systems Development Lifecycle
• Types of SDLC
• Stages of SDLC
Waterfall method
Programme Testing
Acceptance Testing
Limitations of Testing
Case Study 1: University of Salford
Case Study 2: Knight Capital Group
Systems Development Lifecycle
• Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the process of developing information systems through various stages from identifying initial requirements through analysis, design, testing, implementation and maintenance.
• Many different models but each generally consists of a series of defined steps or stages.
Laudon & Laudon (2006)
Types of SDLC
• Waterfall
• Fountain
• Spiral
• Rapid prototyping
• Incremental
Bocij et al (2006)
• One of the oldest, best known
• Linear sequential set of phases
• Review at end of each phase before moving on to the next
• Logical chain of events, e.g. programming cannot begin until specification completed
• Many different versions
• Many critics – does not work?
Laplante & Neill (2004) Dennis et al (2008)
Stages of SDLC
Vary according to the methodology used but usually some variation of the waterfall method which has
Galin (2004) served as a framework for others.
Systems analysis - identify problems & establish requirements
Systems Design – create design specifications
Programming - translate design specification into code
Conversion – plan conversion, train users
Production & Maintenance – operate, evaluate and
modify the system
Laudon & Laudon (2006)
Why test? System should be tested to ensure that it meets the requirements laid out at the start of the process.
• Develop a test plan
• Involve users as well as developers
• Simulate data and test system processes e.g.
References: Cervone, H.F. (2007),"The system development life cycle and digital library development", O CLC Systems & Services, Vol Detterman, E. (2012) “Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Case Study – Result = $440m Loss.” Solid Logic Technology Galin, D. (2004) Software Quality Assurance: from theory to implementation. Harlow: Pearson Education Laplante, P.A Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P. (2006) Essentials of Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise, ninth ed., New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Morris, S., (2005) “Software Development Cycle”, Tessella Support Services plc, available at <>