
Why Is The Atomic Bomb Necessary

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During World War II, Former President Harry S. Truman ordered a new form of attack on Japan, thinking that an invasion would result in many American casualties; as a result, the atomic bomb was later dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. This attack on Japan would later become one of the most controversial attacks in history, many saying that the atomic weapon was not necessary. The dropping of said bomb has different views depending on the perspective one is looking from; whether it be political, ethical, or from a military perspective, the atomic attack is very controversial. From the political perspective, the atomic bomb was seen as a way to get control over Japan. At the time the atomic bomb was a new technology that many nations did not have access to; however, as the United States did have access they used it to their advantaged and gained control over Japan. Though, since the atomic bomb was so new, it was feared. As seen in a letter to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt from the secretary of navy, “It is not a question, however, of whether an Army or a Navy man is picked – it is far too …show more content…

It allowed for countries to take out other countries without putting American soldiers at risk; this way, American casualties were minimized by not putting them in the line of fire. As stated in a memorandum to the secretary of war, “The main-point of this memorandum is the predominating importance of considering the use of nuclear bombs as a problem of long-range policy rather than for its military advantage in this war. Their use should thus be directed primarily toward bringing about some international control of the means of nuclear warfare” (Compton). Here is a perfect example at how the United States could use the nuclear weapon for a variety of usages. It was used a method of control in the military. By using the atomic weapon control could be gained from the opposing country through

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