Milgram's Experiment brings up the point that people under the pressure of other, will more likely obey orders even if it goes against their moral beliefs. In "To Obey of Not to Obey", most of the soldiers obeyed their superiors because they were taught to do so. Similarly in Migram's Experient, the "teachers" obeyed when the experimenter pressured the subject to continue with the shocks. This can be related to Slaughterhouse Five because the German soldiers are under the command of their superiors who are requiring them to take American prisoners. This pressure was passed down from the German soldiers who demanded the American soldiers to clean up the charred remains of dead civilians after the bombing of Dresden.…
In Replicating Milgram (The Open University, 2014), Milgram explains how he set up his obedience experiment. His aim was to get a volunteer, a ‘teacher’ to inflict increasing amounts of pain, through electric shocks, to another volunteer a ‘learner’ and to see when the ‘teacher’ would turn to the researcher, the ‘authority figure’ and ask to stop. Unknown to ‘the teacher’, the ‘learner’ and the ‘authority figure’ were aware of the real purpose of the experiment; the ‘teacher’ was told it was to study the effect of punishment on learning, and genuinely thought that they were inflicting pain on the ‘learner’ sat in another room. It was this deception and the emotional stress it generated to the ‘teacher’ that prompted the ethical issues debate…
Daniel Parks Freshman Studies Term II Critical Analysis and Milgram’s Response Obedience to Authority and the obedience experiments that produced Stanley Milgram’s famous book have produced almost equal amounts of surprise, curiosity and criticism. The criticism of social psychologist John Darley and playwright Dannie Abse are each representative of the general criticism Milgram has received; Darley focuses on whether the study has any relevance to real world events (such as the Holocaust), and Abse focuses on justification of the experiment, i.e. was the study worth doing in spite of the deception employed and its potential harm to the subjects. To Milgram, this criticism demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the goals and implications of the obedience study, to which he has responded by restating the goal of the experiment and explaining its beneficial effects upon the subjects.…
In the experiment, the subject is told by the experimenter to give shocks from a scale of low to dangerously high to the person in the electric chair (who was an actor) when they give a wrong answer. The shocks were not real, but prior to the experiment, the subjects were given a small shock to influence them that the shocks in the experiment were true. After the experiment, Milgram assesses that “between the command and the outcome, there is a paramount force, which is the subject’s capacity for choosing their own behaviour” (p. 851). Although there were people who acted in immoral ways and increased the shock levels, there were also those who chose to renounce the unjust commands of authority, “providing affirmation of human morals and ideals” (p. 851). Therefore, people do have a choice in refusing to abide by authority’s rules and demands, but they choose not to because they do not want to suffer the…
However, in Milgram’s experiment, people complied due to the authority figure urging them to continue and appealing to their sense of responsibility. However, this has caused many of the participants to reflect in quiet horror that they were willing to harm another by executing up to 450 volts of electricity. It is a dreadful thing to realize that humans can be so easily manipulated to participate in heinous acts, causing us to take a second look on where we stand…
Can good, moral, and virtuous people be pushed to do bad things? This article seeks to compare an experiment done in 1971 to a real life military situation during wartime. The article also tries to link the experiment to another horrible act done by someone suffering from various mental illnesses with extremely mixed results. Is there a correlation between these three events as far as the mental states of the participants?…
I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist. Stark authority was pitted against the subjects' [participants'] strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects' [participants'] ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not. The…
The Stanley Milgram experiment takes normal everyday people and gives them orders to do horrible…
When the circumstances of the experiment were changed, and the teacher could choose the level of shock administered to the learner the results were drastically different. The teacher's hardly ever went beyond the minimum pain threshold. The only difference was the presence of the authority figure. This shows that people find it easier to disregard morals when…
Stanley Milgram’s experiment was conducted to justify the acts of Nazi killings during the World War II. Milgram’s general findings after the experiments: Ordinary people are likely to follow orders given by an authority figures even to the extent of hurting or killing other people. He claims that people can act inhumanely with limited feelings and compassion under blind obedience to authority. On his experiment, most of the participants continued to inflict the punishment all the way to the highest level when assured that they are not held responsible. Some participants went on and follow the commanded actions even if they seemed in conflict and against their conscience.…
While the test subject is in complete control over when the experiment can be stopped based on their own level of morals, it would not be considered proper to put the test subject in an environment like this that could be perceived as “hostile” without their complete knowledge of their part in the experiment. It would be impossible to inform the test subjects about the extremely stressful experiment they would be taking place in without informing them on exactly what they would be doing, and in this experiment, the discretion of the test was important to get clear and true results. Another immoral part of Milgram’s experiment was the severe psychological stress imposed on the applicants. Numerous participants stated that they felt extremely uncomfortable about what they were expected to do, although a sizable amount of the members in the primary trials subsequently pronounced that they felt vastly pleased to have been chosen to take part in the experiment. Another immoral aspect of the experiment was the fact that the test subject was not expressly given the right to withdrawal from the experiment, and were continuously given orders to continue the experiment. Milgram claimed that in this experiment strict orders were essential to…
In the case of Milgram's experiment, if he would have informed his participants that they were being tested on how far they would go when they were ordered to do so, even if it was against their conscience, the participants would never have gone as far as they did and the research would have been fundamentally flawed. There is no accurate way to test human nature if the participants change their behavior based on what is expected of them. "The tendency of people to portray themselves in a more favorable light than their thoughts or actions, is called socially desirable responding (Lalwani)." Socially desirable responding is one of the problems with the use of surveys, and the problem carries over to behavioral studies. If the "teachers" from Milgram's experiment had been told the real purpose of the study, they most likely would have applied far less shock, if they shocked at all because that is what is socially acceptable. No one really knows how far they will go under order until they are faced with…
Milgram's experiment in 1960 by social psychologist Dr. Stanely Milgram's (1963, 1965) was a controversial experiment. He researched the effect of authority on obedience. I don't think the scientific community overreacted to this experiment because it is unethical to reduce subjects to "twitching shuttering wrecks". Though the human mind is amazing strong we still do not know its breaking point. For interviewers to carry out the kind of experiment they did, they have to be willing to face the consequences of the experiment which could be a permanent damaged mental state. I do believe we need to do experiments like this as the outcome was very eye opening but it has to be better regulated and the background and methods of experimentation clearly…
Throughout our nation's history, we have taken part in many unethical means of gaining information or knowledge. Some of the more famous cases include, The Milgram Obedience and Authority experiment, The Stanford Prison experiment, and of course the Abu Ghraib scandal involving our own U.S. soldiers. While two of these instances were not intended to cause physical harm, they were all branded unethical due to the extent of not only the physical abuses that took place, but the painful psychological impact it left on those involved.…
When obeying authority one can often loose thought of morals and beliefs. In the experiments the men obey the authority figure by doing cruel things they would not usually do. These experiments turn mentally stable men into a person willing to inflict harsh punishments on innocent people while following orders. Night by Elie Wiesel, The Milgram Shock Experiment, and the stanford prison experiment shows how obedience to an authority can cause people to stray from their conscience.…