In recent times there has been a change in the response on society within contemporary issues such as Marriage, divorce, abortion and IVF. Considering these changes we need to understand the relevance that the Second Vatican Council still has in our modern day society. The Vatican Church has also experienced a noticeable to perhaps a more supportive view on these issues but many argue that their support is lacking. Many others believe that this modern day perspective should be left out of the Catholic religion and should not be allowed to intertwine with the church. Since the introduction …show more content…
of Pope Francis on the 13th of March 2013 there has been evidence of changes and possibly a new era for the Vatican in the future.
In the Catholic Church marriage is considered to be one of the most important sacraments. Marriage in the church is traditionally between a man and women only and symbolizes their future life together and a journey which takes them on a path full of ups and downs. Since the introduction of the Second Vatican Council in 1962 there have been dramatic changes in how society see’s marriage today. Over the past few decades there has been an increase in open homosexuals who are now fighting to be legally married into the church. The official church teaching states that “Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law." However considering today’s perspectives on the issue of gay marriage is it possible to illegalise something which is talked so openly about in a society which encourages equality. Since the introduction of Pope Francis in 2013 he has taken a step in the right direction. Whilst still keeping the Second Vatican Council relevant the Pope continues to be open minded understanding that the twenty first century is a time for major changes and beliefs. Famously Pope Francis said “if someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” As Pope Francis and the general population continues to support modern day issues such as homosexuality and gay marriage the Second Vatican Council seems to have less relevance in our modern day society. Therefore while moving forward with modern day perspectives ways must be figured out to keep the Second Vatican Council relevant as well.
In the past it was seen to be unacceptable for a man and women to live together before marriage. In 2011 Bishop Laffitte emphasised that the church does not take pre-marital cohabitation lightly and should not be practiced. The Bishop said that “the engagement period, is objectively and essentially different from the union of marriage, in that this preparation period does not involve the couple uniting their lives yet.” However, recently Pope Francis witnessed a ceremony between Catholics who have taken part in pre-marital cohabitation. Although the idea of this was to ultimately bring these Catholics closer to Jesus Christ so they can be forgiven. There is evidence of the Pope understanding modern societal perspectives as he acknowledged these people and let them marry into the Catholic Church despite going against their religion rules initially.
Since the introduction of the Second Vatican Council abortion has become legalised.
This becomes an extreme issue in the Catholic Church as abortion has been heavily opposed for centuries. According to the Catholic Church the fetus is considered to be a life therefore abortion is seen as murder. Changing attitudes and modern day perspectives have begun to challenge the Vatican’s view on abortion leading to many discussions regarding the relevancy of the Second Vatican Council in today’s society. It is important to understand where the Second Vatican Council stands on this issue especially considering the modern day perspectives of abortion. Abortion is said to be evil in the Catholic religion and is forbidden just like murder is as it is said to be the direct killing of a human life. In most cases abortion is allowed if the mother’s life is in danger and the only way for her to survive is termination of the fetus in these cases the good weighs out the bad. However some Catholic moral philosophers go on to say that abortion should not be allowed no matter what because “two natural deaths are better than one murder.” This statement is considered to be absurd in today’s society. Many factors come into play when discussing the reason behind abortion. The rights for women have increased dramatically since the Second Vatican Council in 1962. Many of today’s views state that a woman should be able to have control over her own body therefore abortion should be allowed in the church. In the case of rape someone that is pro-abortion would suggest that carrying a child in that circumstance should not be enforced. However people that are anti-abortion would then go on to say that an unborn child should not have to face death as the rape was not their