George Leon 3/1/2016 Anthropology T/Th 8am-9:20 Film Reaction Series The Cross Cultural Variation of Racism Needless to say, belittling others through the prejudices, stereotypes and racism can be considered inhumane and unethical. However, even though the belittling of others is frowned upon, is still perpetuates throughout our progressive society. Additionally, depending of the cultural context, it varies from place to place. However, allow me to elaborate with how racism presents itself within our society.
1 Allow me to use the video “Tricia Rose on Educational Equality in an Unequal World”. The reasoning for me choosing this video in particular is because Tricia Rose elaborates within the subject of structural racism. Within our society, it is quite evident and transparent that some individuals do not have the same supply and quality of resources that others are more fortunate to have. For example, some schools are much more financially deprived than others, thus giving a grandiose disadvantage to those who are unfortunate. Additionally, even though these students face unreasonable and robust obstacles ahead of them, they are expected to triumph over these obstacles, which is absurdly unreasonable. Not only that, if the student …show more content…
2 Video #10, “Race and Racism in Latin America: Brazil” efficiently explains the conundrum that many face in Brazil. Within this area, it would clearly appear that blacks are heavily discriminated and belittled upon. For example, within the video a black man was rejected of using the elevator, and was forced to go to the ninth floor using the stairs. Another example would be how only “2.2% of the student population” are blacks within a university, and how they can only study some subjects because they have a “intellectual deficient”. Needless to say, the racism in this area of Brazil is much more blunt and obvious, when compared to the racism in the United