Chinese products. It hurts the American economy on many levels. It is also not good for the Chinese worker who is treated poorly for cheap labor. Housing and food for the Chinese factory workers are horrible, and even if the workers live elsewhere, they are charged for the rent. The workers in China and the U.S. are afraid to speak up. They are intimidated. Wal-Mart is designed to keep thing flowing and make money. Wal-Mart is not good for the masses, for the majority. Originally I thought at least Wal-Mart puts people to work. However, Wal-Mart has the lowest retail wages, and most employees are below the poverty line in the United States. Employees wind up working off the clock as they are told to finish impossible tasks but yet no overtime allowed, so they wind up working without getting paid. They cannot afford the insurance Wal-Mart offers at high costs, and Wal-Mart pushes them to get Medicaid and Welfare, the government run programs. They also encourage employees to use the system every way possible such as public housing, tax assistance, as well as the public healthcare. They want the government to take care of their employees. It is estimated that Wal-Mart costs the U.S. taxpayer over $1,557,000,000 nationwide. Some of the employees feel the Wal-Mart slogan should be low wages, low morals, as they do not care about their employees. Wal-Mart is afraid of unions and discourages them through brainwashing and squashing of any possibility for unionization. They profile the strong leader types and fire them. They have videos teaching employees how to respond to the question of unionizing. Wal-Mart bought two companies in Germany that were unionized prior to the sale, and the conditions for them are incredibly better than those in America.
The German employees don’t understand why the Americans can’t have the same benefits. At the same time, they also feel the pressure that everyone is replaceable. The film also delves into numerous lawsuits filed against Wal-Mart. They include wage and hour abuses nationwide, undocumented worker abuses, discrimination against women, un-kept promises to employees i.e. management training, and more. Wal-Mart focuses on itself even in the case of security. There are thousands of crimes committed in the parking lots nationwide and the security cameras are not monitored for employee or patron safety. They are used to monitor possible union activity, which they fear most. They put profit before the safety and wellbeing of their employees. When Wal-Mart moves into a community they get approvals and funding that no other local businesses can get. They get help with sewage and infrastructure through subsidies that deplete the town. Subsidies are allotted to Wal-Mart as opposed to for instance schools that badly need the help and wind up shutting down. Millions are given to Wal-Mart instead of crucial services such as police, fire, schools, etc. The local businesses and organizations have a hard time getting
what is simply handed to Wal-Mart. The film shows that Wal-Mart needs to be held accountable for their actions, as well as their inactions. People all over the country organize to stop Wal-Mart from coming in and destroying their community. There have been many victories in stopping Wal-Mart, which drains the community and our country instead of adding to it. They only profit themselves. The film shows it is possible to force change and accountability. Once we know the truth, we have to take a stand.