Allies and land Disputes lead to a rising conflict which helped start the war. There was also a sense of nationalism which is where someone believes there country is the best and others are inferior. This lead to people wanting war to show how great they are.This made war inevitable. When huge egos are involved bad things always happen, so all …show more content…
After Germany lost there was a treaty signed in 1918 called the treaty of Versailles. This is where Germany was blamed for the whole war and was put in a huge amount of debt and put in major restrictions.
The effect on technology was the new inventions was the turning point to modern war. The inventions were extremely deadly and were later perfected in world war 2, which is the worst war in history. This exponentially increased the death rates of wars so basically world war 1 started the trend of modern war the horrifying thing that still exists to this day.
The effect on economy was unlike America whose economy boomed in the 20’s, European nations suffered quite a bit with major repairs and loss of working young men in the population. No other country had it worse than Germany. They had to pay almost all of the war because it was deemed their fault. The inflation got so bad people would burn money because it was way cheaper than wood. It killed off their entire government, which lead to a rise of the Nazis. This again led to another reason for the start of world war