
Why It Is Better To Be Married

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Why It Is Better To Be Married
Will You Marry Me?

“If you love something, set it free. If it comes back it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.” -Anonymous

The question then becomes do you really want it back or not? There are many advantages to singlehood, as there are to being married. Although, I have never been married, when I compare the two, marriage is the better option. Being single gives you more freedom. Since there is only yourself to answer to, you’re able to come and go as you please. You also make choices and decisions, such as what kind of furniture to buy, or whether to have a pet or not, without having to consult anyone. This may seem like a disadvantage for marriage but when you consider that you would have another point of view when making decisions, which can come in handy when you’re not sure of what to choose. Also, you would not just have yourself to blame for any bad decisions made and you would not have to correct the decision on your own either. Promiscuity has always been considered one of the perks of singlehood. Being able to be intimate with whomever you choose, whenever you choose, may seem like an advantage but when you consider the increased possibility of sexually transmitted diseases by having multiple sex partners, it isn’t! Also, mostly for men, promiscuity can be costly. In order to get to the point of intimacy with a woman, usually involves paying for drinks, at the very least, or a couple of dates, at the most and there would still be no guarantee of intimacy. Multiply that by the number of women a man wants to get intimate with and it can get expensive. When you’re married both, the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease and need to pay for dates decrease dramatically. Financially, it can be a tossup between the two, depending on the situation. For example, a married couple with good careers and no kids would be more financially stable than a

References: Coombs, R.H. (1991). Marital status and personal well-being: A literature review. Family Relations, 40, 97-102.

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