“To vote is like the payment of a debt, a duty never to be neglected, if its performance is possible”.~Rutherford B. Hayes . By voting you are expressing your voice and opinion which is very important because it makes you heard. Also, voting is a very important right that I respect greatly because we have the choice most people do not have. Finally , voting affects everything from taxes to school.
By voting you are expressing your voice and opinion. You vote for what you want personally. Did you know no one can see or hear about how you voted? So you get to say whatever you want and no one could ever find out. Personally I wish we got to vote at school because the teachers basically pick everything we do and it doesn't seem fair adults should appreciate the fact they can pick. …show more content…
Voting gives us so many choices of what we can do, say, and have. Voting is under appreciated because there are men and women that gave up a lot just to be able for us to have rights in general. The fact that we have a right to have opinions by voting is amazing.
Voting is important because it affects literally everything! School, roads,etc… Did you know that the town votes if we need a new street or a new school? If no one likes the idea, it is denied and can be re voted on later. Voting is a big part of our government and involves almost everything and