Getting paid for doing house hold chores is good. Children have the right to buy whatever they like. Kids are getting a real life job skills for the future. Kids can also save their money for the future .
Kids can buy what they want. They are able to get stuff without help of the parents. There are many times where the kids cantget what they want. The adult’s cant say that that is stupid and they want buy it. Having there own money is a good thing
The problem with kids is that they are lazy when the need to work. Having there own money can help them under stand that if they want to do stuff they have to earn money for it. They will learn to save spend and what not to buy with there own money. It is there
only time to learn without getting a job. When they do get a real job they will be better than what they need to be.
The kids will learn how to save money. How to count and add and subtract how much they have. They can put the money up for later and have it when they need it. They will learn how be safe with money. This is all good skills to use before they have a wallet and a purse.
This is why kids should get money for chores. It will teach them to be safe with money and how to use it. The adult’s will save there money and kids will be more eager to work harder.