I. Topic sentence: Running away from home can be very dangerous for a child. There are many dangers out there that children don't often think about when they leave the safe arms of their parents. Even when they do know the dangers, they tend to think that nothing bad can happen to them. There are some of the reasons why children run away from home.
II. First Cause: Abuse
A. Physical B. Mental
III. Second Cause: the drug use
A. It’s hard to quit the drugs. B. They can do anything to get drugs
IV. Third Cause: the pregnancy
A. To avoid giving the baby up for adoption B. To avoid problems or discussions with parents.
V. Concluding sentence:
There are other reasons that children run away from home. These are just a few of the most common ones. It is important that a child feel as though he can come to you with any problem without fear. That doesn't mean that you should never punish your child for doing the wrong thing. It means being there for your child no matter what.
Running away from home can be very dangerous for a child. There are many dangers out there that children don't often think about when they leave the safe arms of their parents. Even when they do know the dangers, they tend to think that nothing bad can happen to them. There are some of the reasons why children run away from home.
First of all we have the abuse; this is probably the number one reason why children run away from home. Physical or mental abuse does horrible damage to a child. Some children get to a point that they say "Enough" and that is when they run away from it. These children will see the risk of running away as being the better alternative to staying. These are also the children that will be the hardest to find. They run away because they are hurting physically and mentally. They are running as far away from home as they can possibly get in hopes of leaving the