“Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere”
In the article, "This is Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere" authors Renee Jacques and Todd Van present multiple positive effects of marijuana and why it should be legalized. They argue aspects of why legalization should occure, urging that it is not only safe but offers medical benefits to people suffering from, cancer, disease, and disorders.
They begin their argument with the fact that marijuana is becoming more common and acceptable in society. They claim studies have shown that 40 percent of Americans have tried marijuana at least once, and 58 percent are for the decriminalization of the plant. . They also use the fact that many celebrities and people in the public …show more content…
Using facts to back this up, they inform us that studies have shown 30 percent of cigarettes users had become dependent on them, 20% of cocaine users became dependent, when marijuana only 10% of users become dependent. These facts really show you that marijuana is being grouped in the category of a drug you will become dependent, when in reality “marijuana is less addictive then coffee”. They also speculate on the labeling of marijuana as a "gateway drug" saying those who smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol are just as likely to try other drugs not just those who use marijuana. They are very vague when it comes to the studies of if this was proven or not. They could have done well to make a point of facts here making this claim more solid, allowing us a scientific outlook on that these marijuana users where using ciggerettes or alcohol first. Renee and Todd shed light on the medical benefits marijuana offers as well. They begin by stating it is used in cancer patienst to help with appetite, those who suffer from chronic pain or insomnia, studies have shown to help with all of these. Renne and Todd really make you realize, that if marijuana was harmful, they would not prescribe it to people they are trying to save. I feel as if they would have neifited to referring to a more specific situation, possibly a quote from a patient explaning the benefits to marijuana use while undergoing