Should marijuana be legalized for recreational and medical purposes?
Thesis: Since marijuana is not harshly dangerous to one’s health nor is it a hard narcotic, it should be legalized to promote a positive society.
I. Introduction to Cannabis
The legalization of marijuana would be a positive aspect in the American society. It has been scientifically proven that it isn’t truly a health risk, and is even less toxic than drugs such as caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and aspirin. There’s also evidence that marijuana eases the side effects of illnesses like cancer and aids. For thousands of years, humans have searched for ways to overcome the hard struggles of their lives, it’s often difficult to do it on their own, and sometimes the negative parts of our day keeps us from enjoying the positive parts. Marijuana relieves millions of people of the pain that accompanies these struggles on a daily basis. The THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in marijuana causes people to experience a euphoric feeling, called a “high.” The advantages of this herb without doubt outweigh the disadvantages. II. The History of Marijuana
All though its use has dated back to centuries, our federal government that we know today, insists on the punishment of its possession and maintaining the idea that it is vile and criminal, despite evidence that it would have a positive influence on our country.
Marijuana is known as many things; weed, bud, pot, grass, etc. But it is actually a plant called hemp. It is scientifically known as “cannabis sativa” and is grown all over the globe. It has been used in ancient Chinese traditions, and first recorded ever of medicinal use in 2727
Bibliography: 1. Miron, Jeffrey A. "The Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition." The Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition in the United States (2005): Web. 1 Apr. 2011. <>. 2. Whitebread, Charles. "The History of the Non-Medical Use of Drugs in the United States ." Schaffer Library of Drug Policy (1995): Web. 30 Mar. 2011. <>. 3. G2, Jerry. "Why Legalize Marijuana?" (2008): Web. 1 Jan. <>. 4. Kleiner, Kurt. "Marijuana might cause new cell growth in the brain ." New Scientist. 13 Oct. 2005. <>. 5. Unknown. "THE POSITIVE EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA." Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. <>.