I believe that marijuana should be legalized in the United States. Below here I will explain exactly why I feel so strongly about legalizing marijuana and the positive attributes that it possess. Once you finished reading you might have a different take on the matter at hand. First, even though marijuana is currently illegal it is less damaging to the body than other things that are legal such as tobacco and alcohol. People say you can get hooked onto marijuana after trying it once but that isn’t true. Studies have shown that cigarettes (nicotine) are physically addictive, where marijuana (THC) isn’t physically addictive. Cigarettes and Alcohol have been linked as major contributors in causing different cancers and other long term illnesses in the body. If you decided to look up marijuana there will be no scientific proof that marijuana causes any problems in the human body at all. Second, the prisons have more people in jail for minor crimes such as marijuana smokers that we barely have any room to house the major criminals. We spend more money trying to build more prisons where we can just use that money on things really needed such as more schools and jobs. If we pass this law to legalize marijuana then the police will be able to focus more of their time and money on the real criminals. By focusing their time on the real criminals than I believe that it will help bring the crime rate down. I feel as though if marijuana were legalized there will be fewer crimes committed therefor less people going to jail. Third, Marijuana has a lot of positive attributes. Say if a patient has an illness such as glaucoma or HIV marijuana will help slow down the symptoms. Smoking marijuana actually causes people to calm down and relax. Another positive attribute, if it were legal the unemployment rate would go down significantly. A lot more people will be able to look and obtain work without having to worry about
I believe that marijuana should be legalized in the United States. Below here I will explain exactly why I feel so strongly about legalizing marijuana and the positive attributes that it possess. Once you finished reading you might have a different take on the matter at hand. First, even though marijuana is currently illegal it is less damaging to the body than other things that are legal such as tobacco and alcohol. People say you can get hooked onto marijuana after trying it once but that isn’t true. Studies have shown that cigarettes (nicotine) are physically addictive, where marijuana (THC) isn’t physically addictive. Cigarettes and Alcohol have been linked as major contributors in causing different cancers and other long term illnesses in the body. If you decided to look up marijuana there will be no scientific proof that marijuana causes any problems in the human body at all. Second, the prisons have more people in jail for minor crimes such as marijuana smokers that we barely have any room to house the major criminals. We spend more money trying to build more prisons where we can just use that money on things really needed such as more schools and jobs. If we pass this law to legalize marijuana then the police will be able to focus more of their time and money on the real criminals. By focusing their time on the real criminals than I believe that it will help bring the crime rate down. I feel as though if marijuana were legalized there will be fewer crimes committed therefor less people going to jail. Third, Marijuana has a lot of positive attributes. Say if a patient has an illness such as glaucoma or HIV marijuana will help slow down the symptoms. Smoking marijuana actually causes people to calm down and relax. Another positive attribute, if it were legal the unemployment rate would go down significantly. A lot more people will be able to look and obtain work without having to worry about