Maybe you've dated a guy for years and he just never seems to want to take things to the next level.
Or perhaps you're married, and while he wears the ring on his finger ... His heart just hasn't made that commitment yet and you feel your marriage isn't on solid ground.
In today's newsletter I'm going to try my best to shed some light on how the male mind works and why some men are not ready for commitment.
But first, if you haven't watched this video yet, make sure you watch it right away:
Video - Why Men Lose Interest
It's a really accurate and eye-opening short video that shows you why men lose interest in women they once loved, and how to make him LOVE you forever.
Don't miss …show more content…
Why are some men scared of commitment?
There are 9 main reasons why your man may not want to commit to you. Some of these have nothing to do with you, it's just where he is at in his life. Others are things that you are doing, so make sure you pay close attention.
You're hinting too aggressively
Men need to feel like commitment is their idea, even if pressuring them into committing to you works (some women hint very aggressively until they get engaged), this may lead to resentment and lack of REAL commitment and faithfulness long term.
I've seen some guys date girls for 3+ years, only to get engaged to the next one who comes along even though they've only been dating for 6 months.
Often the next one who comes along is seen as less 'suffocating' due to less commitment pressure. Or it's simply due to the fact that they are now ready for commmitment when in the past they were not.
Hinting or talking about commitment once isn't a bad thing, but if you find yourself doing it week in, week out, it's likely to be doing more harm than good. You may simply be with the wrong person if you feel a need for more commitment right now.
If he wants to commit to you, then allow him to get to that stage on his