
Why Military Intervention Should Not Happen In Times Of Revolutions

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Why Military Intervention Should Not Happen In Times Of Revolutions
Military intervention should not happen in times of revolutions because those revolutions can lead to bigger things like civil war. Revolutions should in tune, turn around a country where people feel like they are not being heard, however this is never as black or white as it seems. Military force vs diplomacy, should always be answered when talking about revolutions. Military force involves; money, military personnel, equipment and in the end a lot of death, while diplomacy can actually save a lot of lives. Military force from third parties should be only used in truly needed cases because you don’t always know why the third party is willing to fight. Is it from their own personal good or do they really want to get the revolution through, and through? Military force through a third party should always be questioned and should a revolution need their help should weight their options of having them or not. Although in the Middle East, the people who want the revolutions usually have good idea in what they want. However, just having a good idea, and getting that idea outside of the surrounding area only does so much. In the recent uprisings in 2001 in the Middle East, one revolutionary group was the green movement in …show more content…
Although third party intervention could have helped in these countries, citizens on either side will still have their difference and this will lead to war or just supreme destruction of the revolutions. In the case of the Arab spring in 2011, looking at it from a 2015 point of view, all the revolutions have just caused more turbulence and un-stableness of the region. Even if the countries did succeed in their revolutions, the Syrian civil war is just one example of war and tragedy of the revolutions. The revolutions or just some kind of change will never happen with just fighting, there has to be some time of talk between the various groups before anything can really

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