It was 2007 on an enormous lake in Wisconsin as the beautiful day came to an end, and the sun began to set, you could smell the calm water, and the trees. A minute later we hear a loud crash. Our boat hit a log, and we are stranded out on the lake. Night comes around, and the mosquitoes are like needles flying in, and snacking on everyone leaving huge throbbing bumps. The air was cool and our throats were dry, we tasted the tanginess of the outdoors as we gather together to stay calm and warm. My mother takes charge, and makes us …show more content…
The mosquitos get horrible and for the next hour they do not stop they swarm around us biting, and attacking us. My mother puts me, and my brother inside a small compartment, and shut the door so we do not get too many mosquito bites, once again her showing her consideration and love towards us. Once the mosquitoes died down we got out of the small dark compartment and began to cry for help again. At this point we have woken up anyone in a mile radius of the lake. Then we see a glimmer of light from far away planning on how they will get us. Another hour passes, and a pontoon begins to come our way and we all cheer in excitement to finally go