Having a good education will improve my chances of having a good paying career. Without a career I wouldn’t be able to afford to have a place to live because I would have a hard time paying my bills. I will also have more opportunities in advancement. With a higher education I can work where I want and start higher up. My life would be more fulfilling and rewarding because I would have a career and the pay would be rewarding.
College will give me a better knowledge of things. For one I will be able to work better with others because I will have to work with people more often. Therefore I will have more experience to communicate with people. Having more knowledge will also give me better problem solving skills because in college you have to work harder and study more. I will be able to take on greater task in life because a good education will grant a better chance at functioning better as a whole.
Being in college will teach me responsibility. I have a lot more freedom to choose the classes to take to better my chances of getting the career I want. Having more responsibility means that I won’t be able to get as much help. In college I’m more on my own with my work than I was in high school. There are more extracurriculars to choose from. If I choose to be in one other people would count on me.
Having a college education is important to me because it will get me a better career that will make enough money. Having more Knowledge is also important because it will help me out in everyday life and make me more successful. Finally, college will help me become more of a responsible person, which is