
Why My God Who Wouldn T Want A Wife

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Why My God Who Wouldn T Want A Wife
Judy Brady’s lighthearted yet heavy depiction of her daily struggles as a wife illustrates the burden placed on women and the dismissive attitude that addresses it as natural. She introduces us to her mindset with the following:
“I want my wife to quit working and remain at home so that my wife can more fully and completely take care of a wife’s duties. My God, who wouldn’t want a wife?”
Brady’s deliberate manipulation of her tone allows her to take a light jab at the notion that women are simply tools of convenience while also shining the spotlight on the obvious gap in rights between the two genders. Needless to say, a satirical outlook does not diminish the weight of her words which preach the travesty of double standards, especially for married women. Incidentally, Brady’s view on the fabled promise of unison deconstructs the concept of marriage into an everlasting cell that serves to constrict women within a deluge of daily responsibilities. She achieves this by approaching
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While it is true that Brady’s writings reflect her own experiences as a wife, her attempt to represent the male mindset may be off the mark seeing as how she is not a man and cannot assume the duties of one. However, Brady seems to have taken her bias into account with the comment: “I want a wife who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a wife’s duties.” Brady recognized the fact that her thoughts would be interpreted as meaningless bickering and has likely experienced being told so. Nonetheless, she chose to share her reality. No matter how thick her goggles of partiality may be, the fact of the matter remains in terms of gender imbalances. Whether she was speaking from her own perspective or from that of a man, her argument would remain plausible. Brady opted to deploy a self-aware, satirical manner of addressing the issue to promote a broader style of thinking on the reader’s

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