In today’s fast-paced competitive world, flexible work arrangements are a key component to ensure employee commitment. Flexible work arrangements ensure that employers have a flexible work force i.e. there is availability of sufficient labor to meet the workload at all times. Transforming practices in the work place so that it suits employee needs better, is extremely crucial in ensuring employee satisfaction and commitment. Flexible work hours, telecommuting, compressed work weeks etc. are examples of flexible work arrangements. We would be concentrating on implementing flexible work hours at our work place.
Flexible work hours also known as flextime is a work schedule that allows employees a certain degree of freedom with regard to the time that they want to work in the organization. Under a flexible work arrangement there is a core period of the day during which employees are expected to be in the office (for example 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.), while the rest of the working day is ‘flextime’. During ‘flextime’ employees can choose the time when they want to work with the primary objective of achieving a certain amount of total daily, weekly or monthly work hours expected by the employer. (Flextime) The most common flexible hours arrangement are flextime, compressed work weeks (which is basically something like having four 10-hour days or having 9 working days in a fortnight), part-time work and job sharing (a form of part time work having two people doing the same job but sharing the work, the hours and the salary) (Workplaces that Work)
NTUC Income Insurance Cooperative Limited is one of the companies that have successfully implemented flexible work hours in their organization. 20 percent of their workforce is using this arrangement. Another example of a company successfully implementing flexible work hours is Abacus International Private Ltd. (Flexible Work Arrangements)
Advantages and disadvantages of
Bibliography: Breaugh, J. A., & Frye, N. K. (2008). Work–Family Conflict: The Importance of Family-Friendly Employment Practices and Family-Supportive supervisors. Journal of Business and Psychology, 345-353. Collins, M. (n.d.). Problems of Flexible Working Research and Theory in the New Economy. Retrieved from Cheshire Henbury: Flexible Work Arrangements. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ministry of Manpower: Flextime. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wikipedia: Guidelines on Best Work Life Practices. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ministry of Manpower: Kossek, E., & Michel, J. (n.d.). Flexible Work Schedules. In APA Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Washington: American Psychological Association. sample memos. (n.d.). Retrieved from .docstoc: Study Notes: People Management. (n.d.). Retrieved from tutor2u: Successful Flexible Work Arrangements - An Employer 's Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ministry of Manpower - Singapore: Workplaces that Work. (n.d.). Retrieved from HR Council for the Non-profit Sector: