Conformity, is done by everyone weather consciously or unconscious. When we conform to group it signifies that we are fond of them, want to be by around them. This also denotes to the other group members that, we want, and desire companionship with them. Conformity can also cause people to make irrational decisions. For example, it could be catastrophic situation, and because a person has a strong desire to fit in they could be pressured into doing somethings calamitous. I venture to articulate that conformity just like cognitive dissonance is strongest when we human-being are placed in a situation that requires is acute cognitive processing regarding a choice or a course of action that may have various options; weather good or bad. “Conformity can be …show more content…
when physical reality becomes increasingly uncertain, people rely more and more on “social reality”; that is, they are more likely to conform to what other people are doing, not because they fear punishment from the group but because the group’s behavior supplies them with valuable information about what is expected of them Consequently, it seems that one of the most difficult things to do is to be a unique induvial and still maintain a position in a