My first reason why people should not be punished for cyberbullying is because it is not necessary to arrest someone for cyberbullying. In Kirk Sigmon’s article about criminally prosecuting people who cyberbully, she strongly expresses how she does not agree with this idea. In her article, she states,”The idea that one could be criminally prosecuted for refusing to allow someone to join, say, a guild in a video game, is preposterous.” This show unnecessary it is to arrest people who cyberbullying. Why waste time and resources to prosecute these minor crimes when they are many major criminals out there? It doesn’t make any sense, no matter how you look a it. …show more content…
However, even that doesn’t happen much. The bully will certainly not be sent to jail. If the bullying that happens in real life doesn’t need any arresting needed, then why does cyberbullying need police