Though people work primarily to earn money, there are some other reasons that they work: enjoyment, honor, assistance to others, etc. For some people, to work is to produce something to enjoy themselves and others. Musicians compose songs and melodies that give pleasure to listeners. Writers create novels and stories that arise deep emotions in readers. Painters produce beautiful artistic works that appeal very much to the people who see them.
But on the other hand, these people, musicians, writers, and painters, are often beside themselves with joy in their work. Some people work for honor. Military men devoted to battles to safeguard the freedom and dignity of themselves and their nations. In human history, many people would rather sacrifice their lives than submit to foreign rules. Sports people contest with each other for the honor of championship. To get a gold medal in the Olympic games is a dream cherished by many athletes around world. There still some other people who work to help others. It is the responsibilities and duties of doctors and nurses to relieve the pains and strains of their patients.
Wherever an accident occurred, we can see the relief team rescue and give assistance to the people in need. Teachers, who often referred as "the engineers of human souls", work to help students not only in their study but also in their moral progress. No wonder that teachers are highly respected in a civilized society. Socrates, the ancient Greek scholar, once said to his disciples, "I eat to work while others work to eat." Most people work to get money for a living, but money is not the sole reason for many to work.
“Job Satisfaction”
Do people really like their jobs? Definitely, everyone knows from the news about dissatisfied workers going on strike or even acting violently toward their supervisors, directors, but overall people are quite satisfied with their jobs. According to the surveys percentage of satisfied people averages in the US is about 85 percent. The feelings, reflecting attitudes toward one’s job, are known as job satisfaction.
Settings, related to the personnel job satisfaction and devotion to the company, are presenting special interest for the theory of organizational behavior and practice of human resource management.
A discussion of the job satisfaction problem concentrates attention on the employees’ attitude toward their job, and a discussion of organization devotion –on the attitude toward the organization in the whole.
What is job satisfaction once more?
Lock gives a following detail definition of job satisfaction: “ pleasant, positive emotional condition coming from your job evaluation or job experience.”1 Job satisfaction is a result of the very employees perception of the fact for how much their job provides important, from their viewpoint, things.
There are three most important parameters of job satisfaction. First, job satisfaction represents emotional reaction for the situation lay at the office. It’s impossible to see it, it can be only experienced. Second, job satisfaction is defined often by that extent how much results of work correspond to expectations. For instance, if organization employees see they work much more, than other department employees, but receive less for that, more probably, they will have negative attitude toward their job, supervisor and colleagues.
They will experience dissatisfaction feeling. From another hand, if they see, they get favorable attitude and materially rewarded, their attitude toward the job will be positive. They will experience satisfaction feeling from their job. Third, through job satisfaction some another settings are expressed. Smit, Hendall and Hulin suppose that there is five parameters of job, most exactly characterizing it from the viewpoint of those affective reactions, which job causes by people. These parameters are enumerated below:
1. Job itself. The extent, in which job gives people interesting assignments, opportunities to perceive new, experience responsibility feeling for the job laid upon.
2. Payment. The sum of money reward, which is paid for the job, and that in which way the given sum corresponds to reward, receiving by other organization member.
3. Promotion possibilities. Career promotion opportunities.
4. Management. The capacity of a head to provide as technical, as moral support.
5. Colleagues. The extent of technical knowledge of colleagues and the level of social support.2
Factors influencing on Job Satisfaction
Let’s mark several factors, influencing on Job Satisfaction. For example, last research show that if after college graduation students are immediately employed according their specialization, then on the basis of both events coincidence it’s probable to predict a following job satisfaction.3 There are the main factors influencing on Job Satisfaction below:
Job itself. The main source of satisfaction is, of course, job itself.
Thus, for instance, research, dedicated to job characteristics and carried out in correlation with working place projecting, testify that the very content of work and autonomy by its implementation represent two most important motivation factors correlated with labor.
There are several factors that influence the decision of young people to make their choice/ they concern material and spiritual aspects of the future profession. It is generally believed that professions should be both prestigious and interesting. Everybody wants to benefit from the social privileges provided by the profession. At the same time other factors are important. Much depends on the inclinations and interests of the person. Another important factor in social environment. The profession of the parents often in this or that way influences the future profession of their children. Today we have dynasties of physicians, historians, lawyers, economists, pilots and military officers. It is impossible to forget about the material aspect of the future profession. It indicates the level of the society’s values. Today all professions can be classified as prestigious or not prestigious. The problem of prestige is subjective. All the professions are very useful. Today the most popular professions are lawyers and economists. These professions are prestigious. After graduating from Law and Economist Faculties it is possible to find good jobs. To be a designer is attractive too. This profession can fit creative people who know how to mike things around them look nice. For those young adults who choose the profession of a chemist, a mathematician or a physicist the determinant factor is not prestige but interesting and inclination. To be a biologist is very prestigious today, because the biologist are at the forefront of clonning. I think that to be a sociologist or psychologist very interesting and useful too. Psychologists try to help people to cope with their spiritual problems. Sociologists study the health o the society. One of the most fashionable and prestigious professions today is that of computer operator. Although computers came into our life only in the 1960s they quickly gained around of the contemporary society having become its indispensable part.
Learning Foreign Languages
Learning foreign languages is of vital importance in everyday life. Do you agree? Why do people learn foreign languages?
I definitely do, foreign languages are of paramount importance for everyday life. Learning at least one foreign language is a must in most countries of the world. There are several ways how I can prove this. Firstly, speaking a foreign language aids communication and global understanding. The world is no longer a combination of separate countries, it's rather a complex of interrelated parts, connected economically and sometimes politically. In international communication, foreign languages are necessary for international commerce as well as for different types of cultural exchange such as diplomacy, arts and so on. Owners and top executives of most companies think their businesses could benefit from better language skills. Therefore, knowing a foreign language gives more opportunities of finding a better-paid and rewarding job.
Secondly, learning a foreign language is educational as it helps develop the human brain. In 2004, a study by University College London examined the brains of 105 people who could speak more than one language. The study found that people who learned a second language when younger had denser grey matter (where information is processed) than those who learned one later. Most schools around the world teach at least one foreign language. In 1995 the European Commission's White Paper on Education and Training emphasized the importance of schoolchildren learning at least two foreign languages before upper secondary education.
English is the language of international communication and the most spoken language in the world. Do you agree?
I couldn't agree more, and there are several reasons why I think so. First, there have long been a need for an international language — a language of international communication. At present, the language of international communication, a 'global language' is English. In addition, the language has occupied a primary place in international science and business. Through the global influence of native English speakers in cinema, airlines, broadcasting, science, and the Internet in recent decades, English is now the most widely learned second language in the world. Many students worldwide are required to learn at least some English, and a working knowledge of English is required in many fields and occupations. The current status of the English language compares with that of Latin in the past.
Second, English is the dominant language in the United Kingdom, the United States, many Commonwealth nations, and other former British colonies. In many other countries, where English is not a major first language, it is an official language. It is now the third most spoken native language worldwide (after Chinese and Hindi), with some 380 million speakers. An equal number of people use it as their second or foreign language.