Privacy is …show more content…
something we all have in common that we like, no one likes when everyone knows your business. That's precisely what the Privacy Rule does, it allows patients to control their usage of their health information by how it is regulated and given out to other covered entities. "Privacy Rule protects individuals’ health records and other individually identifiable health information created, maintained, or received by or on behalf of covered entities and their business associates" (Privacy and Security). It also contains guidelines that describes how personal health information can be used, stored, maintained, or transmitted electronically. For example, a patient must be informed in writing using a Notice of Privacy Practice on how their personal health information will be used by the medical office. On the other hand, it is not required to receive patient consent when the purpose of the disclosure of personal health information is for medical treatment, payment, or healthcare operations.
The Security Rule goes hand in hand with the Privacy Rule by making set standards to maintain security of personal health information that is transmitted electronically.
"The Security Rule sets rules for how your health information must be kept secure with administrative, technical, and physical safeguards" ( Some safeguards include not allowing employees to share certain passwords with other employees in case they are not authorized to access certain information, making sure rooms with major computer systems or important information are locked at all times, and ensuring that only specific passwords allow certain individuals access to patient …show more content…
Believe it or not, patient have many rights to the information that they give and receive at the doctor's office. Patients have the right to access and request changes to their record if they feel it is false. They also have the right to request the reason for the transfer of their information for other purposes unknown to them. Medical offices must inform their patients in writing using a Notice of Privacy Practice how they intend to use their personal health information. And on the Physicians' side of protection, they must ensure that they have the right procedures in place to prevent the un-authorization of medical records. Medical offices must have a written agreement with agencies such as medical laboratories, transcription services, and billing services to ensure that they too are in accordance with the Privacy Rules. And finally, the medical offices are in charge of making sure all employees are trained and well informed about the Privacy and Security of personal health information.
There are many benefits of Privacy and Security other than the obvious protection of the individuals health records.
It protects by regulating the circumstances in which medical offices may use and disclose protected health information. It also gives the patient rights with respect to their own protected health information by allowing them to examine their health information, obtain a copy of their health information if requested, and to even request corrections to their health information if they feel it is wrong. But along with benefits there are also negatives. All these safeguards and guidelines put in place make employees have to jump through more hoops when accessing patient records which can also become time consuming. There are also a lot of electronically access data for patients and that can be hacked if not properly kept. And finally, simple mistakes can always happen, for example, an employee could forget to shut down their computer and someone could come across a patients information. Lots of little things can always happen but that doesn't make the Privacy and Security rule any less important to the protection of our health
There is always that chance of breaches happening, and no matter how big or small they are, you will be notified of them. Individual notices are made when any patient's protected health information is unsecure, it must be written formally and sent by first class mail or by email if the patient agreed to receive notes electronically. When a breach occurs affecting more than five hundred patients the medical office must notify the media in the form of a press release, no later than sixty days following the breach. The medical office must also notify the Secretary within 60 days when the breach affects over five hundred patients, but if it affects fewer than five hundred patients then the medical practice may notify the Secretary on annual basis.
Privacy and Security of health information is a key factor in patient care. It protects and secures patients health information and identity, keeping it safe. It also allows patients to access and allows them to have control over their health information and gives them consent on how it is used. Privacy and Security rule enhances the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Even though the Privacy and Security Rule have set backs they are a vital factors in protecting patient health information.