Information Systems Development Failure: A Case Study to Highlight the IS Development Complexities in Simple, Low Risk Projects in
Developing Countries.
In this research article the authors believe that we can Lear from an Information System Development Project (ISDP) failure too. And the study of failure plays an important role in the long term success of any organization for the eagerness of constant and growing improvement by assessment and monitoring of the information systems (IS) improvement efforts.
In developing country the factor of learning from failure projects is rare. But it is very important to utilize resources to learn from experiences. The authors refer a recent report. In that report they collected results of five different surveys from different years, i.e., 2001, 1997 & 1995 and has conclusion:
The rate of success of any IT project is lower than successful
From 5 only 1 IT projects is likely to have full users satisfaction the larger project are more likely to be failed
40 % of the projects failed to achieve their business goals soon in one year.
To prove the evidence the authors used three terms
ALPHA as developer
BETA as client
GEMMA as project
The project GAMMA is currently in a stage where BETA is not satisfied with the solution and is not using it and ALPHA is asking for more time and resources to complete the project. And the extension time of twelve months has already been expired even. Project GAMMA is now in a complex situation. And authors uses this situation to investigate the complexities in IS projects and the problems on part of the developer and the client.
To develop information systems are not always successful because of many reasons i.e. insufficient resources, bad planning, carelessness in management etc. and in some project sit carries the risk of the competitors. Every project requires continuous improvement and proves very costly afterwards.