My parents were a big part of my influence on my reading today. Starting with my mom, she was the person who started all my dreams each and every night. She started with reading to me every night before bed, then from reading with each other, tell I was reading to her, and finally me reading pretty much every night by myself.
Every night before bed my mom would read me a book. My favorite book my mom read to me was Junie B. Jones. Its was the funniest adorable sparkling book around. My mom had to have read every book to me at least three times. I would never want her to stop she would always …show more content…
Mis. King has inspired my reading since I was a wee little kid. She is the person who started it all. It began with the books with the only picture book and will never end. When I was in first grade we would sit in the tiny flashy magical carpet. on that tiny magical flashy carpet, she would read to us the most amazing books. The were filled with a mysterious life where every kid would want to live. We would also go one on one and she would sit on her ancient rocking chair well, I sat on the old creepy stool in the back of her bright colorful classroom. When we read alone we, would put on funky witch fingers. The witch fingers when green and they had a red long finger nail it looks so lumpish. but I thought it was so cool that wearing the weird witch