An elected official becomes an official by the results of an election. If candidates are not required to show scientific literacy then it’s a possibility of a candidate being elected with no scientific literacy knowledge at all which could result in disaster. Let’s use the position of president of the United States for example, could you imagine someone with such responsibility having no scientific literacy knowledge at all? To keep that from happening elected officials should be made to show a strong knowledge of scientific literacy before being allowed candidacy.
Scientific literacy, which is identified as the knowledge and comprehension of scientific thoughts and procedures required for important decision making, partaking in civic and social matters, and economic efficiency. Why would an elected official not be made to demonstrate this knowledge before given the chance to be put into a position of power and representation of anything? …show more content…
When someone shows scientific literacy it’s much more than what people usually think, most people define literacy as the ability to read and write fluently, comprehend, and use material. But the word has come to take on larger meaning, showing off a strong range of knowledge, skills and abilities involving reading, mathematics, science and other academic areas. This is the reason such widespread of technology has also happen over the past years. Having the ability to use mathematics and science ideas is now one of the top things required for many occupations and an elected office is an extremely important occupation that is no different than others when it comes to needing the skill of scientific literacy. No man or woman should even be considered without being forced to have a great knowledge of scientific