Abortion has been one of the most highly debated and controversial topics in American culture and politics. One of the reasons it is such a sensitive topic is because everyone can relate to it in one way or another. Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a pregnancy. The arguments for this surround the idea of whether the induced removal of the fetus is murder or rather in the best interest of the mother. I am personally in favor of abortion under certain circumstances and don’t think that the government has the right to ban it and interfere with such delicate family matters.
There are two stands on this controversy: Pro-choice and Pro-life activists. To briefly summarize it, Pro-life believers debate that all life in the instant of its conception is innocent and deserves a chance at life. Through a religious standpoint, they also argue that God chooses the time of life and death, not the mother. Pro-choice followers often argue in favor of science and the United States Constitutional Ninth Amendment, which holds freedom of choice sacred. The first priority is the mother, for she is the one who allows for the pregnancy to happen or not.
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of the most valid and concrete arguments for abortion is the fact that most women who have made it their goal to terminate their pregnancy, will do it. They cannot be stopped by any law. If they have already reached that point of desperation, they will undergo “dark alley” abortion which can lead to life threatening consequences. Pro-lifers main counter argument would be that the women who desire abortions should look at adoption as their other option. However, in many cases, these women are young girls who are frightened and embarrassed of their situation. They are not ready to be publicly recognized for their pregnancy. By the way it has already been engraved on society, it would be shameful for them to expose their pregnancy, and then give their child up for adoption. If laws were created prohibiting abortion, many of these young girls will secretly find other ways to rid themselves of this child. These other options are either performing the abortions on themselves or going to an unlicensed and unregulated abortionist where the conditions are highly probable to be less sterile and more dangerous to the point that it may often lead to death or mutilation of the woman’s body.
Our country believes in the separation of church and state. The answer to the question that is a baby alive in the womb or at a certain time in the pregnancy lies in one’s religion and philosophical beliefs. I feel that it is not the governments place to make your decision on what you believe is right. That would be too much of the state getting involved in the church to find their answer. I also feel that the woman’s body is her own; it should be her decision what to do with it. In that belief it is unfair to require a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. This violates the conventional ideas of individual rights and freedoms.
Those who oppose abortion will fight that adoption is a much better option, but many cannot even consider it because of the embarrassment of their pregnancy.
Pro-lifers also feel that young women who become pregnant have been irresponsible and need to pay for their poor choices. In many cases it is not their fault that there are pregnant and carrying out the term could only lead to trouble for the mother and the unwanted child. Antiabortion believers think it is wrong to kill a fetus because it is a living soul, and that decision should be left up to the woman carrying the child, not the government. Not only in order to maintain this country’s basic principles on personal freedoms, but to protect its society it is important to keep the right to have an abortion in
fact. Another major factor to consider is the lack of empathy showed and felt by antiabortion followers. They yell and scream about laws and guidelines, but how would they react if they were in such a situation? If they were raped by a stranger, would they bear his child because its ethically correct to do so? Personally I’d think they’d panic and run to an abortion clinic. People tend to judge without trying to evaluate how the judged are feeling. Until a person has been through the same experience, they can’t call the shots and give their so called “guidelines for what’s morally right or wrong”. Here are some arguments from both sides of the debate:
Pro-abortion: The government gets to control a woman 's body if denied abortion. "Back alley" abortions would increase if it were made illegal, leading to increased risk of young women dying or becoming sterile. It 's arguably better for society to have babies aborted than have them be brought up poor and neglected, where not only will the child suffer but society when that child develops a higher attraction to crime, welfare, etc. One brief mistake can take away a woman 's childhood and trap her for life. Giving up a child for adoption can be just as emotionally damaging as having an abortion. Carrying and delivering a baby can be painful & dangerous to the mother, and a number of complications can develop. Abortion is not murder because it is performed before a fetus has developed into a human person. Many believe that young women turn to abortion because of stupid mistakes they have done, this is not always the case. Though it’s true a large percent are teens and adolescents, there are others out there that have gotten pregnant against their will, and don’t want to have a unwanted baby. Although babies are a gift and are to be cherished, they must be conceived from love and consent, not mistake or force. Babies born from mistakes and rape are usually sent to child agencies or abused and unwanted. They grow up in a darker setting, and usually don’t have a very happy childhood. Abortion is a last resort measure for mistakes and rape; it shouldn’t be seen as a mistake eraser, but a serious procedure that wipes out a potential life. Here are some arguments from both sides of the debate:
Anti-abortion: Abortion is a form of murder and demeans the value of human life. Other birth control is readily available; thus, abortion shouldn 't be a form of birth control. The societal contributions of a potentially valuable human being are wiped out. Women who have abortions often suffer major psychological damage from the experience along with, in some cases, the father of the child. The advances of genetic testing may prompt more abortions (to avoid having the non-ideal child).There exist many couples who spend years on waiting lists trying to adopt a child. The abortion decision is often made by minors or young adults, who don 't have the maturity and life experiences to make good decisions. People have the right not to see their tax dollars go to something they find immoral. Abortion eliminates legal rights of the unborn child. Abortion exposes women to various health risks and the danger of losing fertility. Finally, abortion is against doctors ' Hippocratic Oath.
Many believe that young women turn to abortion because of stupid mistakes they have done, this is not always the case. Though it’s true a large percent are teens and adolescents, there are others out there that have gotten pregnant against their will, and don’t want to have an unwanted baby. Although babies are a gift and are to be cherished, they must be conceived from love and consent, not mistake or force. Babies born from mistakes and rape are usually sent to child agencies or abused and unwanted. They grow up in a darker setting, and usually don’t have a very happy childhood. Abortion is a last resort measure for mistakes and rape; it shouldn’t be seen as a mistake eraser, but a serious procedure that wipes out a potential life.
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