Generally however, “rationalist theories start from the assumption that international organizations are instrumental associations which help their members to maximize their utilities.” (Schimmelfennig 200). NATO as a whole disposes of higher military power, creating for each member state the force of deterrence so central to structural realism (this is perhaps best illustrated in the practice of nuclear weapons sharing). As it stands, the Eurasian Union is mainly presented as a project for economic integration, based on the assumption that “Russia is better served by building its own coalition instead of aligning with the economies of the West” (Neyfakh). This latent power is the second form of central power (cf. Mearsheimer 79). Thus, both forms of power are present in the case at hand, as NATO unites military power, while the association agreement mainly aimed at economic
Generally however, “rationalist theories start from the assumption that international organizations are instrumental associations which help their members to maximize their utilities.” (Schimmelfennig 200). NATO as a whole disposes of higher military power, creating for each member state the force of deterrence so central to structural realism (this is perhaps best illustrated in the practice of nuclear weapons sharing). As it stands, the Eurasian Union is mainly presented as a project for economic integration, based on the assumption that “Russia is better served by building its own coalition instead of aligning with the economies of the West” (Neyfakh). This latent power is the second form of central power (cf. Mearsheimer 79). Thus, both forms of power are present in the case at hand, as NATO unites military power, while the association agreement mainly aimed at economic