In English 101 I have shown exemplary character.I constantly brought an energetic, positive energy to the classroom dynamic and helped others remain positive and optimistic. Positivity is infectious and necessary in a classroom environment and I am happy to oblige. This is proven to increase productivity and efficency.In English 101 I have maintained a great grade due to the time and effort I put into my assignments.I believe its important to emphasize the quality of my work and the finesse I demonstrate with tactful writing skills. I am fortuitous to have a instructor that cares about her students and gives as much effort into teaching as we do in learning.I have great deference for you because you taught us how to become more experienced writers and students.This class has helped me build my fundamentals and complete basic writing concepts with ease and i would like to continue to …show more content…
I took English 101 because i believed it would truly assist me in the path to enriching my writing skills and equip me for college next year. I was fervently seeking to expand my knowledge in English and writing, this class has helped me drastically.I have attributed to numerous styles of writing such as persuasion, compare and contrast as well as descriptive. Having an array of styles allows me to broaden my horizons and have a unique perspective and express myself through writing. I wouldn't want to cease expanding my horizons because i wasn't chosen for the select ten. Which I definitely should