There are a millions of disadvantages of having after school homework, It has no good outcomes on students lives. It adds ton of stress, lack of sleep, and it disturbs students personal lives. To begin with, students often build up tons of stress from too much homework so they have no time to sleep or focus on there next day of school.American kids should get less homework on a daily basis because too much can cause too much stress, too much time, and it impacts sleep, Also it can eliminate kids active time which can cause body and health problems.To explain, Students often fail to get enough exercise and sleep, homework is the cause of …show more content…
Also when teachers think it benefits the learning process,it really just makes students bored of the subject the are learning. Family time is especially important to a growing child and without it social problems can crop up and a family unit can be compromised by a lack of time being spent together. Homework makes a student bored of the subject they are working on so often students keep pushing their homework farther to the bottom of the list for things to do. To clarify, when students have the option of playing with their friends or doing homework 99% would probably pick playing with there friends because it's fun. Decreasing valuable family and friend time is why most students dread getting homework and going to school. In the end, loses of going to school is getting piles of homework handed to you due the next day.Stress tiredness are just some of the downsides of