Who does not want cleaner air? Being able to breathe freely is one of the greatest feelings in all the world. As a person who suffers from a severe allergy …show more content…
to smoke it is a nice feeling to not have to suffer from the effects of smoke. I love our environment and want to preserve this world as much as I can for our future generations. Cigarette smoke only decreases the air quality for our future. We need to do what we can now to help keep the air cleaner. Second hand smoke is a killer to not only humans but also to wildlife (or domesticated animals) it is important to take a stand against cigarette smoke and provide cleaner air to our world.
I have been a patron of casinos before and I know that even though I do not smoke, I end up going home smelling like an ashtray.
It was part that I learned to accept for the night of fun. What I do not want is going to a place of education and going home smelling like that same day old ashtray. Sure, you can spray perfumes to attempt to mask the smell but it does not mask the smell at all. In fact, it makes that smell only personify that much more. As a smoker, you learn to accept that fate, I however did not. It is important to be courteous of fellow patrons who are not smokers. Many smokers, blow their smoke directly in front of them which when I walk by I end up walking right through. By restricting smoking on campus, this will ensure that someone like me who does not smoke does not get any residual second hand smoke on me.
While I do not want to lump all cigarette smokers into one category, the few bad ones do ruin it for the “good ones”. Many smokers after they have completed their cigarette, flick the butt onto the ground. If you have ever in your life picked up trash you can understand how disgusting it is to pick up trash with that trash picker only to fight to pick up the cigarette butt. You do not want to pick it up with your hand, someone’s saliva and germs were all over the cigarette butt. What is even worse, is when someone’s cigarette butt is not even a mere two inches away from one of those cigarette
I am fully supportive of someone’s right to choose to pollute their own lungs and smoke cigarettes. However, I also am fully supportive of my own right not to pollute my lungs by smoking cigarettes or second hand smoke at that. We need to preserve our environment as much as possible by providing cleaner air and limiting the trash that is being done. I do not want to smell like a disgusting ash tray. My hope is that Central Texas College will continue to support our environment by not allowing patrons to smoke on the campus.