One reason the flag should be banned from public use is because it is a remembrance of a time in history full of violence and dysphoria. The confederate flag was created during …show more content…
The flag was not made to be a sign of abhorrence against them, but that flag was created for the Confederacy, and they formed in hopes to keep slavery to make themselves money. A similar situation took place in the 1930’s and 1940’s in Europe. The Swastika used to be a betoken of good fortune and well being. But, after it was used by Hitler during his reign, it is now seen as a sign of Nazi Germany and the genocide of 6 million innocent Jews. The flag has the same type of relationship with people of African American descent as the Swastika does with those of jewish descent. An Arbiter writer says “the flag cannot be considered anything but a symbol of slavery, treason, lynching, and the KKK”(Arbiter staff member). He, along with others, feel that the flag has been used so much to represent racism that it now has no other meanings. Even though it was not the initial premeditation for the flag to represent slavery and racism, it has lost just about all its other meanings and …show more content…
During the civil war, it was used to represent the Confederacy. But after the war ended, the Confederacy was annihilated, and the southern states became part of the Union again. What mission is fulfilled by keeping it around? A debate website commenter says “that symbol is no longer a representative of its original meaning”( commenter). They are saying that the flag is no longer being used for its primary intentions, and we shouldn’t have the flag being used for what it is not meant for. We use the United States flag to symbolize the United States of America. The Confederate flag is not being used to be a sign of a living country, so what is it being used for?
Some citizens, especially in the south have argued the flag shows ‘Southern Pride’ and it is used to exhibit their heritage and background. And, many southerners feel the flag doesn’t show racism because the south seceded over State’s Rights, not slavery. It is also argued that the war was over money (because Lincoln worried the economy would suffer without the south). Now, even though the south did secede over State’s Rights, they fought for their ‘state right’ to keep slavery, because without slavery, their main labor force would be