Because of this, American soldiers have fought in Afghanistan, Guam, Bosnia and an additional 150 countries around the world. Currently, we have 150,560 soldiers stationed in foreign countries ranging from South Korea to Germany. This is also why the US Navy patrols the seas to prevent the smuggling of illegal resources and immigrants. These are the components of an effective and needed world policeman. We have learned from past events that we cannot ignore imminent danger nor count on others for protection. If we fail to play a proactive role in areas of unrest, as a world power, we will suffer the greatest. When looking at other alternatives to fill the role of world policeman, both the UN and NATO come to mind. Although they are often considered, they cannot compare to the United States. Regarding the UN, the most serious instance of their peacekeeping scandals has occurred in Congo. To briefly explain, in Congo UN peacekeepers and civilian personnel have committed to protecting some of the most vulnerable women and children in the
Because of this, American soldiers have fought in Afghanistan, Guam, Bosnia and an additional 150 countries around the world. Currently, we have 150,560 soldiers stationed in foreign countries ranging from South Korea to Germany. This is also why the US Navy patrols the seas to prevent the smuggling of illegal resources and immigrants. These are the components of an effective and needed world policeman. We have learned from past events that we cannot ignore imminent danger nor count on others for protection. If we fail to play a proactive role in areas of unrest, as a world power, we will suffer the greatest. When looking at other alternatives to fill the role of world policeman, both the UN and NATO come to mind. Although they are often considered, they cannot compare to the United States. Regarding the UN, the most serious instance of their peacekeeping scandals has occurred in Congo. To briefly explain, in Congo UN peacekeepers and civilian personnel have committed to protecting some of the most vulnerable women and children in the