people usually are pretty good about it. Should women be made to feel like they should prepare for things like this before they leave the house, or go home if they need to express? I don’t think it is possible. I think women should feed their child whenever they are and whenever the child is hungry. I think the importance of mom and her child's health is greater than the importance of someone not wanting to catch a glimpse of an exposed breast. For those who are against breastfeeding in public the issue is often not about themselves, but in protection. If a man sees breasts as a sexual thing it might make them feel uncomfortable to have a baby thrown into the mix and immediately want to protect that child and that mother from their own awkward thoughts. But again. Should the fact that people see breasts as sexual become a problem? Or whether the mother should be protecting her breasts from view, or other people should be able to look the other way without either staring or catching a glimpse and feeling embarrassed. I think the best thing to do is to cover it up with blanket or use nursing shirt when women are breastfeeding in public. Again, I do not like to eat in blanket or hiding from someone so why should the child do that. But it’s the best thing that can be done in public without making someone feel embarrassed.
people usually are pretty good about it. Should women be made to feel like they should prepare for things like this before they leave the house, or go home if they need to express? I don’t think it is possible. I think women should feed their child whenever they are and whenever the child is hungry. I think the importance of mom and her child's health is greater than the importance of someone not wanting to catch a glimpse of an exposed breast. For those who are against breastfeeding in public the issue is often not about themselves, but in protection. If a man sees breasts as a sexual thing it might make them feel uncomfortable to have a baby thrown into the mix and immediately want to protect that child and that mother from their own awkward thoughts. But again. Should the fact that people see breasts as sexual become a problem? Or whether the mother should be protecting her breasts from view, or other people should be able to look the other way without either staring or catching a glimpse and feeling embarrassed. I think the best thing to do is to cover it up with blanket or use nursing shirt when women are breastfeeding in public. Again, I do not like to eat in blanket or hiding from someone so why should the child do that. But it’s the best thing that can be done in public without making someone feel embarrassed.