When students receive their scholarships they have tuition and fees covered, their room, and textbooks (Block). College athletes stay in the best dorms that the school has to offer while the average students live in less charming dorms. They have everything handed to them, whatever they need they can get it in a blink of an eye. Unlike the average student athletes have nothing to pay for. The average student has to go out and find somewhere to work to pay their tuition. While athletes do not have any financial needs to worry about there are unpaid interns that need money. These unpaid interns are the students that need help with their tuition, but they are having valuable experiences preparing for their careers (Block). Also some colleges are not able to give extra money to the college athletes. Colleges have to fund other programs that average college students enjoy, and if they had to pay the athletes extra money that would all go away. If college athletes were to get paid it would take away money from finding research, getting better technology, or even renovating their campus (Birkenes). Only division I universities can afford to pay their athletes. The division I college athletes are the ones that are on tv playing in all the big tournaments bringing in lots of money to their school. But the division II and division III do not
When students receive their scholarships they have tuition and fees covered, their room, and textbooks (Block). College athletes stay in the best dorms that the school has to offer while the average students live in less charming dorms. They have everything handed to them, whatever they need they can get it in a blink of an eye. Unlike the average student athletes have nothing to pay for. The average student has to go out and find somewhere to work to pay their tuition. While athletes do not have any financial needs to worry about there are unpaid interns that need money. These unpaid interns are the students that need help with their tuition, but they are having valuable experiences preparing for their careers (Block). Also some colleges are not able to give extra money to the college athletes. Colleges have to fund other programs that average college students enjoy, and if they had to pay the athletes extra money that would all go away. If college athletes were to get paid it would take away money from finding research, getting better technology, or even renovating their campus (Birkenes). Only division I universities can afford to pay their athletes. The division I college athletes are the ones that are on tv playing in all the big tournaments bringing in lots of money to their school. But the division II and division III do not