Cited: Davis, Michelle. “The Alternative.” The Washington Post 11 April,2010. Web.18 July 2012.
Cited: Davis, Michelle. “The Alternative.” The Washington Post 11 April,2010. Web.18 July 2012.
Most college students who attend community college as a stepping stone towards achieving a bachelor’s degree at a university commonly fall short of this intention. Only 11.6% out of 81.4% of these community college students accomplish a bachelor’s degree at a university. Discovering this compelling fact was discouraging as a community college student desiring to pursue a biochemistry degree at a four-year institution. Financially, college students are saving more money in attending a community college their first few years in place of a university. President Obama proposed the idea of ‘free community college’ to improve the wages and living standards of the middle class. As a community college student, I wonder if this proposal would improve this startling statistic and aid the student’s desire to pursue their educational goals. In Robert Farrington’s article “Community College Is Not…
Many students show an interest in a college education, but are faced with the burden of cost. Some students may have an idea of what they are interested in before applying for college, while others may have not decided. Community college offers a time for students to grow with higher education and learn what their interests may be. The title of my analysis article is “Two Years Are Better Than Four” by Liz Addison, published September 26th, 2007. A title can give the reader an idea on what they are reading about.…
In her article “Two Years Are Better Than Four Years,” Liz Addision, a product of the community college system, defends the merits of these open systems of learning. Community colleges admit anyone. While some see this as a detriment to education, Addison sees it as a benefit because it allows a greater number of people to acquire knowledge and hone their critical thinking skills. “The philosophy of the community one that unconditionally allows its students to begin” (Addison 212). The people who attend community college are attending by choice rather than by obligation, as might be true of a traditional school setting.…
Community College can be the worst two words for any high school graduate. They see as a community college something bad and they are kinda embarrassed by it. As if they aren’t good enough for a 4 year university. They seem to feel as they are just going into the 13 grade of high school. And they seem to enter their first semester with that negative attitude.…
Margie Hensler: Article 2—“The Power of the Program: How the Academic program can improve community college success”…
In the article “The Myth of Inferiority”, the author, Allan Culpepper, talks about people’s point of views about community college students. Unlike most universities or colleges, community college students are older, first generation students, work multiple jobs, and/or have to take care of dependents. Financial stability is the main issue community college students face. Yes, they do have “hard lives”, but does that justify for excessive absences, rewrite opportunities, and late papers? “Hard lives” do not justify excessive absences; however, they do justify rewrite opportunities and late papers.…
Did you know that while a countless number of students in community college would like to transfer to a four year school, many as two thirds will not be able to transfer. A community college is a nonresidential junior college established to serve a specific community and typically supported in part by local government funds. Community college is a wonderful option for those who are trying to get their life back on track or who cannot afford it. “Discounted Dreams” is a documentary about community college and interviews some of the students who are going through it. This documentary is about all of the advantages and disadvantages of going to a community college. There are various disadvantages in going to community college because there…
First of all, the admission requirements are game changer to many students when they are deciding to stay at home to study at a community college or to go away to study at a university. Typically, a university will have higher admission requirements because students have the opportunity to obtain higher degrees than at a community college. As a result, the universities will admit students with high academic knowledge; ultimately, they will have higher graduation rates. Many students choose to attend a community college because the requirements are usually lower. At the end of the day, it does not matter which school these students wish to attend, but they must fulfill the requirements before being accepted at a community college or a university.…
The first point in which I will discuss is class size. When going to a community college, the class sizes are much smaller than going to a university. With a small class size, it is easier to get more help understanding the subject because there aren’t so many students. Teachers can give their students more one on one attention this way. A similarity between community college and a university is that some universities do have smaller class sizes. There are some classes at universities that aren’t lectures, making class sizes smaller than the usual 100 or more students. Class size at a university is…
For those individuals who start at community colleges and don’t transfer to four‐year institutions, there…
Community college, The worst fear for some and the best experience for others. Many people think that community college is a bad place to attend. They think they might not be good enough to be in a 4 year university. They seem to take that negativity throughout, their whole college experience. In the article, The Seven False Beliefs: Addressing the psychosocial Underpreparedness of the community College Student by Miranda, It stated that many community college students don’t start with the greatest attitude and their beliefs can also have a negative impact on them. The student already have a lot going on for example, work, financial aid, social life. All of this is a lot to handle for one person and sometimes that can create a big stress.…
Many reasons for me the determination to attend college; some of the reasons are I want to increased knowledge, make new experiences and career preparation. The community college teaches us closer such as labor, friendly and even loving relationships. Not to mention the friendships in the future could thrive in jobs, businesses and societies. A community college will definitely broaden the horizon of our view of things. Completed college will help me meet the demands that exist in the current job market. When choosing a profession they can learn different skills, which will help me succeed. Studying in a community college can be one of the most enriching experiences of our life…
There are many reasons why people go to college. College plays a role a student’s life, one of these roles are to help get students a better job that pays them a lot but that isn’t the only reason. According to Melisa McCreery “Higher education provides a number of benefits; most notably to the nation’s economic stability and job creation, civic engagement, and pulling students from low socioeconomic situation and landing them securely in middle class America.” In other words college is to help better a student’s life as well as to help them be able to contribute to society positively. College also provides many classes that can help students achieve their full potential when they are out in the world as well and making you better understand the world. According to Robert Harris these classes are liberal arts classes. Although you might argue that you don’t need these classes for many majors by them self but Harris explains to you the benefits that taking a…
When it comes to your junior year of high school the topic college starts to appear in your conversations more often. You start to think about what college you want to attend and then soon enough you start the application process. Some students have the grades and funds to venture off into the collages they want. On the other hand, there are some students who start their college experience at a community college because they don't have the grades or funds to venture off to their dream college. To some, community college is the way to go to get their grades up to par with their dream schools standers or until they have enough funds to attend their dream college. Community college, in some cases, may be a benefit to their students, but in…
Community college is made up of an atmosphere of many different categories. We have your traditional, untraditional, veterans, and single parents. Some are there to transfer and some to get an associate’s degree while one of the biggest reasons is because they simply cannot afford the university price. “John Holt” (Three Kinds of Discipline) is very compliable with the categories in a community college. You need a great deal of discipline to succeed here reality sets in and if you are not disciplined then you will fail out and waste a lot of money. You will always make mistakes while being here but learning from those mistakes is what will make you a better student. While you attend you will create a lot of friendships and several kinds of them. “Judith Viorst” (Friends, Good Friends, and Such Good Friends) you will have your convenience friends, your historical friends, opposite sex friends, and intimate friends.…