Marlene Segal
It seems odd to me to write a paper about the importance of technology in education. While there may still be skeptics within the field of education, I would imagine that most people would agree that a technology rich environment enhances a child's education at least to some degree. Even teachers who are reluctant to infuse technology into their lesson plans would have to see the merit of students using technology consistently in classrooms. Most of the recent research articles I've read on technology and classroom learning conclude not only that there is an increase in student achievement in technology rich classroom environments, but also an increase in student motivation, especially among at risk students. One of the most important reasons to use technology in the classroom is simply that it mirrors work in the "real world." Most jobs require employees to have technology skills of varying degrees. These employers would not necessarily be willing to train people who do not have the appropriate skills. During times of economic downturns and instability, our students will have to compete for jobs. To acquire technology skills necessary for the workplace, students need to use technology consistently, not just one semester of one year of high school during technology class. If this is the only time they are given the opportunity to use technology, their skills will surely suffer. If our role as educators is to prepare our students for life after school, we need to do all we can to ensure they will be competitive in the workplace. Providing students with the opportunity to not only use but to also expand these skills across all content areas is essential to ensuring solid technology skills. Students going on to college also need to have technology skills to meet the demands of college courses. I'm not even sure if a student can register for courses without