Why Teen Brain Is Drawn To Risk
The author of “Why the teen brain is drawn to risk” uses research to support their claim about where risky/bad behavior comes from in a few instances. “Researchers studied 33 healthy adolescents aged 12 to 17, along with 30 normal adults aged 30 to 50. They all engaged in a gambling game…” The researchers used this study to show how adults tend to take more risks when given the risk of getting a higher payout while teenagers did not. The author also highlights their point that teenagers over-estimate risks by saying that when asked about the possibility of getting HIV in a sexually active adolescent girl many responded with ~60%, which is way off of the actual risk, which Is very small. They give research on the parts of the brain adults use
when making decisions opposed to the parts in an adolescent’s brain. Along with these they give many other examples of research they have done.