From the time each ship set off from England, both the New England and Chesapeake colonies were bound to be different. In the Chesapeake region, where Jamestown was founded, the people had unrealistic expectations. They hoped that gold would be plentiful and easy to find, while also expecting the Native Americans to bow to their wishes. Contrary to their wishes, there was no gold to be found, and the Native Americans became less pleasant as the English became lazier. Believing that they were superior to the Native Americans, the English refused to grow crops, and expected the Native Americans to supply it all, creating rising tensions among them. On the opposite view, the settlers of the New England region had no such hopes. They set out from England to practice their religion more freely. John Winthrop had this idea of a “City on a hill” believing that the people of New England should show England itself how they should live, surrounded by their religion. In fact, upon arriving in New England, the puritans made their Mayflower Compact which allowed them to create their own government. Coming from this compact, the puritans also created the Covenant of Grace, which was to live scandal free and prove scriptural knowledge, and the Social Covenant, which was amongst the people, requiring a mutual watchfulness and no privacy. Unlike the Chesapeake colonies, the New England colonies also came with a family basis, while the…
From their very genesis, the New England and Chesapeake Colonies displayed stark differences and contrasts. The former was founded mostly for religious reasons and the latter for purely economic ones. Though both regions were in relatively close proximity, comparably, they greatly differed religiously, politically, socially, and morally (in so far as their perception/exploitation of Native Americans was concerned). The exploration of these different colonies will prove to be particularly fruitful due to the fact that we can understand how their early influences shaped the modern day east coast.…
The New England and the Chesapeake Colonies were two very distinct colonies. The colonist came to the Americas in order to escape religious toleration and economic prosperity. As time passed the colonist were changed by their different surroundings. Although the New England and Chesapeake colonies both had English immigrants, they differentiated due to economic, social, and religious causes. In contrast the colonies were very different societies.…
America in the 1700s was a big melting pot however the Chesapeake and New England regions were made up mainly of people of English origin. Even though the settlers came from the same place their societies evolved in two different directions. The cause of Chesapeake and New England’s road into two distinct societies is due to many economic, social, religious, and geographical reasons.…
The New England and Chesapeake regions varied in many ways. They varied economically, socially, and religiously. At first there were many small colonies but then they grew into two distinct regions, the New England and Chesapeake areas. The New England region was a more superior place to live in than the Chesapeake region because the people in New England developed swifter and better.…
Although New England And The Chesapeake Region Were Both Settled Largely By People Of English Origin, By 1700 The Regions Had Evolved Into Two Distinct Societies. Why Did This Difference In Development Occur?…
The Chesapeake and New England regions harbored two different societies though each region had a large population that was of English decent this was due to many reasons the two societies settled in the Chesapeake and New England regions. For example the settlers in the New England region migrated to the Americas to escape the Church of England and to be their own church that would be based on their ideals. The settlers in the Chesapeake region were there on behalf of the Church of England as well to make money for themselves. The economy in both of the regions differed as well because of the difference in ideals. Moreover the New England region wanted equality between everyone no matter the stature of the family and that was largely due to their religion, whereas the settlers in the Chesapeake region where there to make money and it was based on your social class. Politics played a major role in the Chesapeake region because it was determined by how much money the settlers made. In the New England region politics was based on religion, which was determined by your role in the church and ultimately the society.…
During the 1700s, the regions of New England and the Chesapeake experienced dramatic changes and stimulated development due to the increase in immigration from Europe to this new world of the Americas. The immigrants that came to the New England colony differed in terms of reasons for coming and differences in ways of establishing a foundation for the society verses the Chesapeake colony. The differentiating motives, interactions between the natives, and the formation of the structure of society created the differences in development between these two distinct societies.…
Long before the 17th century the Spanish had discovered “The New World”, which led to the establishments of different societies. Soon after the English had begun to make impressive establishments that then attracted many English settlers, before you knew it there were many distinctive colonies. Although Chesapeake and New England were established by people from English origin the two regions developed differently due to political, economical, and social reasons. The Chesapeake society was made up of single males looking to profit, and the New England society was made up of family looking for a religious save haven.…
In the 1600s, colonists from England decided to leave their homeland to travel to America or “the New World.” The two regions the colonists mostly settled in were the New England area and the Chesapeake area. Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by the people of English origin, by 1700 the regions evolved into two distinct societies. This difference occurred because the New England colonies was based off of escaping religious persecution while the Chesapeake colonies was based off of profiting of natural resources.…
Although the English settled into both the Chesapeake and New England regions, they had formed into two completely opposite communities. Both regions came to America for different purposes. Whether the founders of this land was to make a profit, farm more land, or seek religious freedom, they did it to please their own intentions. There were many differences between the two regions, however two main places where they were opposites, were their lifestyle and their religion.…
The New England region of the colonies has a basis founded in religion. The first people to found a settlement in the New England region were the Puritans founding the town of Plymouth who came with their families(Doc 2) to basically transplant a portion of home in the new world. They came to the New World in search of religious freedom since they had only recently escaped persecution for their religion in England. This has lead to a strong sense of church which can be found if slightly not as strong in the rest of the colonies, but it also lead to a strong sense of community which in turn lead to the basis of religion being found in the actual reasoning behind the formation of their towns(Doc 4). These settlers came with the mindset that they were to create a “city upon a hill”(Doc 1). On the other hand the Chesapeake region of the colonies can find its basis in economic restitution. The first settlement of this region was formed by a joint stock company known as the Virginia Company. This colony called Jamestown was based solely on its profitability as a business venture. Unlike the original settlers of New England these people came in search of the riches of this New World, leading to the colonies reliance on cash crops to replace the riches not found in…
By the 1700s the English came to the New World and settled in The Chesapeake and New England regions. The lives of the people settled in these regions were centered on two dissimilar lifestyles. Distinctive differences between these regions were in expectations, beliefs, and social cultures. The differences created a clear cut between North and South. The wide gap between the development of The Chesapeake and New England regions was mainly because of the way their lives were centered. The Chesapeakes were geared around monetary profits and striking it rich, while New Englands focal point was about family and religious freedom.…
Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by the people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. The reasons for this distinct development were mostly based on the type on people from England who chose to settle in the two areas, and on the manner in which the areas were settled. <br><br>New England was a refuge for religious separatists leaving England, while people who immigrated to the Chesapeake region had no religious motives. As a result, New England formed a much more religious society then the Chesapeake region. John Winthrop states that their goal was to form "a city upon a hill", which represented a "pure" community, where Christianity would be pursued in the most correct manner. Both the Pilgrims and the Puritans were very religious people. In both cases, the local government was controlled by the same people who controlled the church, and the bible was the basis for all laws and regulations. From the Article of Agreement, Springfield, Massachusetts it is clear that religion was the basis for general laws. It uses the phrase "being by God's providence engaged together to make a plantation", showing that everything was done in God's name. The Wage and Price Regulations in Connecticut is an example of common laws being justified by the bible. Also in this document the word "community " is emphasized, just as Winthrop emphasizes it saying: "we must be knit together in this work as one man". The immigrants to New England formed very family and religiously oriented communities. Looking at the emigrant lists of people bound for New England it is easy to observe that most people came in large families, and large families support the community atmosphere. There were many children among the emigrants, and those children were taught religion from their early childhood, and therefore grew up loyal to the church, and easily controllable by the same. Any deviants from the regime were silenced or…
The New England and Chesapeake colonies were both settled by English colonists. Most colonists moving from Great Britain to New England were families searching for religious salvation, rather than mostly the single men that traveled to the Chesapeake area in search of wealth. The immigrants of the Chesapeake area were greeted with a climate and soil that were perfect for cultivating tobacco, cotton, indigo, and rice. Those settling in New England could not rely on farming to support themselves because of the rocky soil in the north. While the majority of the Chesapeake colonists were not as cohesive due to the great distance from farms to these towns, New England had close-knit church events, meetings, and schools. Although, the New England and Chesapeake colonies were both settled by people at English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies because of motives, environment, and towns/communities.…