Although any critic of global warming, climate-change, or a need for a new fuel source may attack this idea as overstatement; this apocalyptic image may not be overshooting it by that much. If we refuse to dispel this illusion – then we are increasing our susceptibility for this to occur. Before we begin to pose possible solutions to advert this catastrophe, we must fully comprehend the problem and all it entails.
PART ONE: Fossil Fuels, The Problem and America’s Dependency
There’s no question that our world population is growing. The most desired commodity to enhance the quality of their everyday lives shared by the majority of third world countries, where populations are rising the fastest, is energy. However, meeting amplified energy demands, from a rising global population, with a limited supply of energy is a paradoxical situation. In the 2009 documentary Collapse, Michael Ruppert discusses how America’s addiction to fossil fuels is far worse than that of a smoker to nicotine, “In 2001 there was not only a great deal of evidence that proved that peek oil was very real, but that government agencies were responding and acting if peek oil was very real” (Smith). The concept of peak oil can be best explained through a common bell curve. The amount of oil production in the world will, after it reaches its climax, never be able to reach that quantity again. With this