Leading the previously mentioned characters, Sherlock has been featured on the silver screen since before color, has been played by a gaggle of popular actors, and even seen a vast number of television and video game versions. Of these, two of the most notable are the most recent with BBC’s Sherlock series and two films starring Robert Downey Jr., proving that time does not diminish popularity, originality, or quality. But wait, he’s powerless. Sure, the Greek heroes and the fairytales have obvious supernatural abilities, but what about Sherlock? This example has been given purely to drill in the preciseness of the definition of superhero, in which the term in UNnatural, not SUPERnatural. Certainly no one knows a being living with the mental capacity of Sherlock Holmes. To further solidify his inclusion as a superhero, he even has a sidekick who evolves into a partner in John Watson. Truly, Sherlock Holmes could be considered one of the greatest superheroes of all …show more content…
The simple answer is one word: Hope. No, the capital h is not a typo, it indicates a specific definition of Hope. Acclaimed author C.S. Lewis spends a chapter of Mere Christianity discussing what he defines as Hope: “This means that a continual looking forward to the eternal world is not (as some modern people think) a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do.” Everyone seeks something, looks forward to a world they do not always know. This searching takes the form of a void inside them that most endless try to fill, to no avail. Some attempt to solve this conundrum with relationships, others with various forms of entertainment. Despite the method, however, the end result is unfailingly the same, disappointment. On the flip side, some take the acceptance approach. “I’ll never be truly happy, I’ll never fill that hole inside me, so I might as well accept it and do the best I can with what I’ve got.” Unfortunately, those “enlightened” individuals are merely deceiving themselves and others, as that pain inside never fades, even if ignored. Nevertheless, there is a