All the German states were able to unify faster than Italy because a very strong German nationalism existed between them. Bismarck was able to bring this nationalism together and unify all states into a strong Germany. On the other side, the revolutionaries had many obstacles to be able to unite the Germans into one whole country. Bismarck was more successful than the revolutionaries for various reasons; including the 3 wars Prussia fought, his personality and the support he had from the Prussian king, William I.
One of the reasons why the revolutionaries were not as successful as Bismarck was because of the difference in religion, culture and on the ways Germany should be ruled. First of all, the north and the south of Germany had different religions: the north was Protestants and the south Catholics. This clash between religions made the unification of Germany more …show more content…
difficult. The difference in political ideas also made the revolutionaries weaker. There were two options for the unification of Germany: grossdeutschland and kleindeutschland. The difference was that grossdetuchland included Austria as a part of Germany and the other one rejected it. The dispute on whether Austria should belong to the German empire made the revolutionaries disagree on the territorial limits of Germany and the way it should have been ruled. This makes Bismarck more successful than the revolutionaries as the difference in opinion weakens them and gives Bismarck more opportunities to grow stronger and to have more power over decisions in political matters. Another aspect that made the revolutionaries lose power was the Frankfurt assembly which was called in may 1848.
This assembly has a lack of German support; no army, which made them weak; it had problems on establishing the constitution and the denial of the Prussian king to accept the crown. This was a very important factor making the revolutionaries unsuccessful. Prussia was the strongest German state and, without it in the assembly, the little power it had would fade away. All German states agreed on giving the King of Prussia the power of the whole Germany. He rejected it because he would be less powerful and have more enemies if he ruled the whole Germany than only Prussia. The king, William I would lose all his divine rights, he would not be given the power of veto and the Austrians would be his enemy if he accepted it. The revolutionaries’ only chance of unifying Germany was this one, but the king rejected it and the plan faded away. This makes Bismarck more successful in the unification of
Bismarck became Prussia`s most important man. He was the one who made Germany unify. One of the factors which helped him the most was his personality compared to the one of the revolutionaries. Bismarck had a very strong and leadering personality which helped him during the German unification. His diplomacy was very important. It helped during the austro-prussian war in 1866. His good relations with the Italians made him able to win the Austrians and gain control of Schleswig and Holstein. Also, his diplomacy gave him good relations with the Prussian king, which he didn’t have with the one before. This made him more successful than the revolutionaries to unify Germany as it gave him support to gain forces and to increase the support within Germany.
On top of that, another reason why Bismarck was more successful than the revolutionaries was the power the Zollverein had. This was like a trade union but within Germany. All states which belonged to the Zollverein did not have to pay taxes if they were exporting to another German state. This was a very important institution as it made the German economy grow quickly and strongly. With this, Prussia was able to grow stronger as it was the most industrial German state. Bismarck was able to use this economic strength to make the military forces stronger, and started making new weapons. The Zollverein made Bismarck very successful as the Prussians were gaining loads of power within Germany and became the most important, rich and strong state. This made the German states able to join as they follower Prussia`s example.
Finally, another great factor which made Bismarck more successful in unifying Germany were the three wars, fought against Denmark, Austria and France. This was, if not the most, a very important factor of German unification. These three wars gave all German states a common enemy to fight against. This, as a consequence, makes German nationalism stronger and people in Germany having more will to unify. The fist war, against Denmark, gave the Germans and the Austrians two new states to add to their empire later on. The war against Austria, in 1866, made Germany stronger than Austria. The Zollverein was removed from Austria, therefore became weaker economically and the party of kleindeutschland won, removing Austria from it unifying with Germany. This made Prussia the strongest state of all. Lastly, the franco-prussian war was surprisingly won by the Prussians, which imposed a very hard treaty to the French. By this point all states were fighting together against a common enemy. The north and the south had joined to form the German empire. Bismarck was very successful during these wars. However, he was also lucky. No one expected Prussia to win against France or Austria, two mayor military powers in Europe. Bismarck’s success and support were the two things which made him win.
As a conclusion, Bismarck was more successful than the revolutionaries because of the chances he got to unify al the German states. He was very lucky winning the wars against Austria and France. The support he had from the rest of the states and the exclusion of Austria form the Zollverein were two big events. Bismarck, with the unconditional support of William I, was able to unify all the small German states into a big powerful one.