
Why Was Hamlet Guilty

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Why Was Hamlet Guilty
Based on the insanity plea would Hamlet be guilty. Yes, Hamlet went through many tramatic experiences like the death of his father and his mother marrying his uncle, but it is not an excuse to plan a murder. Hamlet displayed motives, the kiling was premeditated, he openly admitted that he was wanted to kill Claudius, and Hamlet does not fit into one spefic disease.
First, Hamelt was mourning the death of his father, like any normal human would (1.2.133-138). Throughout the same time Hamlet was sickened by the behavoir his mother’s with Claudius, Hamlet’s uncle who killed his father. His mother marrying Claudius did help the mouring of his father, it just made it worse (1.2.161-164). Hamlet wanted revenge on Claudius and he would do whatever it took. During the whole play, he semblance of “insanity” to stay inccoent for a crime he will try to commit.
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Everyone would think he was blaming Claudius because he married his mother and he was despered over the lose of his father. We can infer this why he started not acting himself. His unlike behaviors was a way for him to discover if Claudius did kill his father or not. This proves that the whole murder was planned and premeditated (1.5.190-192). Also, with no sympathy Hamlet misleads Guildenstern Rosencratz, then kills, and exhibited. In that event, the essence that he killed Polonius just assuming that it was Claudius does not surpise me, he was seeking revenge. Hamlet was being catastrophic and impetuous during that whole

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