The first settlers of the islands were probably Polynesians from Tahiti. Later on, those people were conquered and killed by a second wave of Polynesians. This left behind almost no trace of their existence besides graves and temples that they had built before they were killed. The language and culture of native …show more content…
Her followers started rioting in and around the palace, American and British troops were asked to help. They graciously agreed to landing on the island and bringing it under order. A trusted friend of Queen Emma told her that she lost democratically, so she stopped the riots completely. Because Queen Emma was raised by European foster parents, she was important to the history of Hawaii. Not only did she bring in Christian influences, churches and schools, she also was baptized and set an example for Hawaiians who still distrusted Americans.
American businessmen with interests in the islands also asked the U.S. navy to land on the island nation to protect American interests. The United States government provided generous terms to Hawaiian sugar growers, and after the Civil War, profits began to swell. A turning point in U.S.-Hawaiian relations occurred in 1890, when
Congress approved the MCKINLEY TARIFF, which raised import rates on foreign sugar. Hawaiian sugar planters were now being undersold in the American market, and as a result, a depression swept the islands. The sugar growers, mostly white Americans, knew that if Hawaii were to be annexed by the United States, the tariff problem would naturally disappear. Later, (1898) it was annexed by the U.S. The business men were involved in production and sale of …show more content…
While most of Europe was battling Germany, Japan attacked China and ultimately Indonesia. Japan relied on imports from those areas due to being an island nation, and even more so after WWII diminished their imports. The United States was using Hawaii to stage their Pacific naval fleet. In 1941, Japanese Senior Staff officer Kuroshima Kameto met with Operations Chief Tomioka to discuss a bombing in Pearl Harbor. The Japanese navy had been practicing these techniques because they knew that they could not defeat Hawaii in terms of anti aircraft guns, shallow waters and many more naval ships. They could not defeat the United States in a long drawn out battle. Emperor Hirohito was opposed to the plan and pushed for diplomacy in September of 1941. The