Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in Italy. He was described as quite intelligent as a child. He learned a lot of skills in his teenage years but his true love was art. Leonard da Vinci was the true Renaissance man. He was known for his talents as an inventor, scientist, mathematician, architect, sculptor, and artist. Leonardo had a curiosity for all parts of life. He wanted to improve his …show more content…
“He studied nature, mechanics, anatomy, physics, architecture, weaponry and more, often creating accurate, workable designs for machines like the bicycle, helicopter, submarine and military tank that would not come to fruition for centuries. He was, wrote Sigmund Freud, “like a man who awoke too early in the darkness, while the others were all still asleep” (History). Leonardo da Vinci had trouble completing a lot of his projects due to his unlimited interest. Maybe by today’s standers, he had a form of ADD. Some research says that some brilliant people have ADD. That would explain why he never completed a lot of stuff.
I find Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings of the human body brilliant, especially for the time period. How the information was obtained was gruesome for not being a doctor, but then again some people have to satisfy that curious mind. Da Vinci’s works were that survived have great value today. I researched the internet to see how much The Mona Lisa is worth and have not found an exact figure. Somewhere between $787 Million to $1 Billion. Wow, do I need that